ANNE WANNER'S Textiles in History   /  book reviews, articles

  Vom Entwurf zum Export: Produktion und Vermarktung von St.Galler Stickereien 1850 - 1914, by Anne Wanner-JeanRichard, Marcel Mayer, in: St.Galler Geschichte 2003, vol. 6, St.Gallen 2003, p. 143-168, text in german.
ISBN 3-908048-43-5

to be ordered at:
Kantonaler Lehrmittelverlag, Postfach,
CH 9401 Rorschach, Switzerland

  From 1850 until 1914 in eastern Switzerland machine embroidery gets more and more important whereas handembroidery was reduced and concentrated in the canton of Appenzell.
In this article Anne Wanner comments on the importance of world exhibitions regarding the development of design in machine embroidery of eastern Switzerland, as well as on the importance of education and the upswing of the drawing school in St. Gallen.

Marcel Mayer on his turn explains the development with regard of trade and technique of the Swiss machine embroidery industry.

first price medal at a riflemen's meeting in 1904
with William Tell and his son, and coats of arms
machine embroidery, chemical embroidery


An important collection of sample books can still be found in the library of the textile museum in St. Gallen.

The St. Gallen textile industry developed different kinds of embroideries:
Whitework embroidery as well as coloured embroidery were produced.
Chemical embroidery became very famous all over the world, because here it was possible to imitate many types of laces.
Curtains were made first in tambour embroidery on Tull and then in chainstitch on a special kind of machine - on the Cornelly machine.

page of sample book of the manufacture Rittmeyer,
1879, machine embroidery


close up of a chemical embroidery,
imitation of venetian needle lace, end of 19th c.

close up of curtain in tambour embroidery,
made for emperor Frederik III of Prussia, around 1871


home  content Last revised October 30, 2003

For further information contact Anne Wanner