ANNE WANNER'S Textiles in History   /  book reviews

  Book reviews - 2006  
  books and articles

since September 2006
L'étoffe du relief, Quilts boutis et autres textiles matelassés. Catalogue de l'exposition aux Musée d'art et d'histoire de Genève, 15 juin au 29 octobre 2006
Sous la direction d'Alexandre Fiette, Somogy éditions d'art, Paris, 2006, Musée d'Art et d'Histoire, Genève, 2006
Entre pinceau et aiguille, Tableaux peints et brodés autour de 1800, Collections romandes, catalogue de l'exposition présentée au Musée historique de Vevey (Suisse), 32 pages, Vevey 2006
- La broderie au point de croix, tradition hier, passion aujourd'hui, par Natalie Bresson, préface de Michelle Perrot, plus de 300 photographies illustrent ce livre de 160 pages, Editions Ouest France, octobre 2006, prix 30 euros
"Quattro tessuti ricamati del Rinascimento italiano" nel New Hampshire (Four Embroidered Textiles from the Renaissance in New Hampshire)", by Schab, Frederick G., in: Accademia Raffaello, Atti e Studi, 2005.2, pp. 35-46.

since June 2006
100 Jahre 1905 - 2005, Hubert Gotzes Kunstweberei und Paramentenfabrik Krefeld, von Gabriele Harzheim, herausgegeben vom "Foerderverein Haus der Seidenkultur Paramentenweberei Hubert Gotzes E.V.", zur Jubiläumsausstellung, Krefeld 2005, 26 pages, black and white and coloured photos
Der gutbeTUCHte Klerus, Wochenkalender 2001, Paramente und liturgisches Gerät aus Krefelder Kirchenschätzen, Ausstellung vom 10. Dezember 2000 bis 11. März 2001, edited by: Deutsches Textilmuseum Krefeld, 2000, in german language, 53 coloured photos
Erika Freund, Bildschöpfungen für St. Gereon 1930-35, Basilika St. Gereon, Köln, mit Beiträgen von Benedikt Kremp und Gudrun Sporbeck, Ausstellung in der Basilika St. Gereon, Köln, vom 4. September bis 18. September 2005, Köln 2005, ISBN 3-89739-508-8
A Rare Survival: The Barge Cloth of the Worshipful Company of Pewterers and the Embroiderer John Best, by Patricia Wardle, in: Textile History, 37 (I), 1-16, May 2006
Object Lesson, Designs and Clients for Embroidered Dress, 1782-94, by Moira Thunder, in: Textile History, 37 (I), 82-90, May 2006
Europäische Stickereien 1650-1850, bearbeitet von Uta-Christiane Bergemann, Kataloge des Deutschen Textilmuseums Krefeld Bd. 2, Krefeld 2006.

since January 2006
Un mobilier à décor brodé de "chinoiseries" au château de Fontainebleau, par Danièle Véron-Denise, dans: La Revue des Musée de France, Revue du Louvre, 2 - avril 2006, p. 63 - 70
Die Votivgewänder des Kurfürsten Clemens August für die Telgter Madonna, by Dela von Boeselager, Sonderdruck aus: Kölner Domblatt, Jahrbuch des Zentral-Dombau-Vereins, 2005, S. 181 - 200
- Segni di storie private Segni di Storia. Abiti a Palazzo Jatta, Preface by Alvar Gonzales-Palacios,
by Roberta Orsini Landini, Maria Pia Pettinau Vescia,
Foggia 2005
On Men - Masculine Dress Code from the ancient greeks to cowboys
ICOM Costume Committee - 57th Annual General Meeting in Berlin, 13 - 17 June 2005. Report edited by Regine Falkenberg, Adelheid Rasche and Christine Waidenschlager, Berlin 2005

information about publications:

The Textile Museum Washington, announces the Publication of the Textile Museum Thesaurus, a scholarly compilation of the Museum's textile cataloging terminology. The Thesaurus is used as an electronic data management tool for controlling data entry and facilitating searches in the Museum's extensive collections database.
As a vocabulary resource, The Textile Museum Thesaurus serves as both a reference and a useful model for curators, scholars, conservators and catalogers working with textile collections elsewhere.

The Thesaurus is available for $ 5.00 from the Textile Museum shop and shop online. To order, visit

or call (+1) 202 667 0441, ext.29.

Also, the Textile Museum provides researchers with a full catalogue of titles in the Library's unparalleled collection of textile-related materials.

  Presse information about a new Cultural Directory on Cloth:

ETN member Patrice Hugues, together with Régis Debray a French author and philosoph and Patrick Bazin, conservator at the Library of Lyon, has published the book Culturel du Tissu“ – This publication was presented to the public on „Dictionaire 21 Sept. 2005 at the Paris fabric fair Première Vision. The event is mentioned on the website under
„Presse“ and can be purchased from the author, The book comprises textile-cultural contribution from A to Z of alltogether 55 French authors and is available via bookshops at Euro 35.


home   Last revised 16 September 2006 For further information contact Anne Wanner