ANNE WANNER'S Textiles in History   /  book reviews

  Book reviews - 2007  

books and articles

End of 2007:

  • Gestickte Bildteppiche. Entstehungsbedingungen, Verwendung und ihre Funktion, by Tanja Kohwagner-Nikolai, in: Kloster und Bildung im Mittelalter. Ed. by Nathalie Kruppa and Jürgen Wilke (Veröffentlichungen des Max-Planck-Instituts für Geschichte 218; Studien zur Germania sacra 28), Göttingen 2006, p. 177-196.

  • Bildteppiche - weit mehr als nur Schmuck. Themen und Funktionen niederdeutscher Klostersticharbeiten des Mittelalters, by Tanja Kohwagner-Nikolai, in: Frauen - Kloster - Kunst. Neue Forschungen zur Kulturgeschichte des Mittelalteers. Ed. by Jeffrey F. Hamburger, Carola Jäggi, Susan Marti und Hedwig Röckelein (in print 2007).

since September (as presented at the Cieta meeting in Como):

  • Merletti e Ricami italiani - Italian Laces and Embroideries, edited by Christina Notore, Essays by Thessy Schoenholzer Nichols, Bianca Rosa Bellomo, Bologna April 2007, text in Italian and in English. ISBN 9788889262139.

  • Sticken und Weben im Bergkloster, by Ursula Karbacher, p. 243 - 271, in: Das Benediktinerinnen Kloster Maria-Rickenbach in Geschichte und Gegenwart, by Achermann Hansjakob/Haller-Dirr Marita (Red.); Stans, 2007. 312 pages, 200 coloured photos, 310 x 235 mm. Verlag Historischer Verein Nidwalden, Stans. ISBN 978-3-906377-10-0 - at sFr. 60.00, in german language.

  • Uzbeck Embroidery in the Nomadic Tradition, The Jack A. and Aviva Robinson collection at the Minneapolis Institute of Arts. By Kate Fritz Gibbon and Andrew Hale, 2007 Minneapolis Institute of Arts.
    Printed in Singapore, ISBN: 1-58886-09-9 - can be ordered at $ 59.95.
    Central Asia's famous Silk Road is the source of the dynamic, highly abstracted embroideries of the Uzbek peoples. In this hardcover book, detailed color illustrations of the nearly 100 works in the Jack A. and Aviva Robinson Collection at the Minneapolis Institute of Arts, as well as numerous historic and contemporary photographs, provide unparalleled access to the styles and techniques for which the embroideries of the Lakai and Kungrat nomads and the refined textiles of the city of Sharisabs are renowned. History, anthropology, and mythic tales blend with women's textile magic in this fascinating publication illuminating a brilliant artistic tradition.

  • Nastri / Rubans / Bindel
    Scambi di seta attraverso le Alpi, a cura di Almerino De Angelis, Guy Scherrer
    2006 Silvana Editorale Spa, Cinisello Balsamo, Milano. In Italian language.
    Saggi di Nadine Besse, Piero Boschero, Giuseppe Chicco, Mario Cordero, Flavio Crippa, Almerino De Angelis, GianNicolas Faure, Pietro Ponzo, Guy Scherrer
    ISBN 88-366-0796-9 - - at Euro 26.00.
    Durante i secoli XVIII e XIX, pregiati fili di seta uscivano dalle “fabbriche magnifiche” piemontesi per prendere soprattutto la strada di Francia e in particolare della regione lionese, dove venivano trasformati in tessuti che segnavano la moda del tempo. Un episodio poco noto riguarda i rubans, vale a dire i nastri in seta nella cui produzione si erano specializzate le fabbriche della città di Saint-Etienne, a sud di Lione. Tali nastri non erano destinati soltanto agli abiti dell’aristocrazia o dell’alta borghesia: arrivando in Piemonte, i bindel, come si chiamavano nelle parlate locali, venivano impiegati nella confezione di abiti e costumi nelle valli alpine, nonché per particolari usi devozionali. Partendo da una ricognizione sui caratteri della produzione dei nastri/rubans/bindel a Saint-Etienne, la mostra e il relativo catalogo documentano l’uso dei nastri nelle manifestazioni della cultura popolare della montagna cuneese. Un argomento che, ampiamente illustrato nel volume, interessa vari settori, spaziando
    dall’ambito tecnico, a quello storico-economico, dalla sfera artistica a quella antropologica.

  • Les enrubannées. Haute Couture: Hommage au ruban, St. Etienne 2006, by Nadine Besse et autres.
    ISBN 2-.755-0188-9 -

  • Mezzari and the Cotton Route, I mezzari e la via del cotone, by Marzia Cataldi Gallo.
    2007 San Giorgio Editrice, Genova. 80 pages, text in italian and english, 90 photos in colour and black and white. 16,5 x 23,3; - at Euro 14.00.
    I mezzari e la via del cotone, catalogo della mostra organizzata dal Ministero per gli Affari Esteri in collaborazione con quello per i Beni e le Attività Culturali, ripercorre il percorso seguito nei secoli passati dal cotone e dai manufatti tessuti con quello, che, per la sua diffusione sui mercati internazionali, era definito “oro bianco”.
    La pubblicazione, con testo a fronte inglese/italiano, documenta l’enorme ricchezza di questo patrimonio storico-artistico e stimola riflessioni e approfondimenti sulla materia.

  • Tessuti Galleria Nazionale di Palazzo Spinola, by Marzia Cataldi Gallo
    1999 Sagep,Genova, ISBN 88-7058-758-4
    - in Italian.

  • Clothing culture: Dress in Egypt in the First Millennium AD, by Frances Pritchard, 2004, Abeggstiftung CH 3132 Riggisberg,

  • Magazin  "TEXT"  For the Study of Textile Art. Design & History, volume 35, 2007-8
    p. 58 book reviews – Joanna Hashagen & Santina Levey.

  • Women at work in Preindustrial France, by Dayl M. Hafter, May 2007, 328 pp, 12 illustrations, £ 36.50  $ 53.00
    The subject of women as skilled workers in the eighteenth century is central to our understanding of the history of work and technology in the preindustrial age. While recent scholarship has dispelled the notion that women did not enter the workforce until the Industrial Revolution, debate continues as to the extent to which women actually participated in skilled work in the preceding decades.
    This book draws upon substantial archival research in Rouen, Lyon, and Paris to show that while the vast majority of working women in eighteenth-century France labored at unskilled, low-paying jobs, it was not at all unusual for women to be actively engaged in economic activities as workers, managers, and merchants. Some even developed vertically integrated wholesale and retail businesses, while others became indispensable to manufacturers through their technical skill.
    In fact, Hafter documents how certain women guild masters were able to exploit the legal system to achieve considerable economic independence, power, wealth, and legal parity with male masters. She also shows how gender politics complicated the day-to-day experience of these working women.

    Author Biography:
    Daryl M. Hafter is Professor Emerita of History at Eastern Michigan University. She is the editor of European Women and Preindustrial Craft (1995).

since May 2007:

  • L'arte del ricamo nel territorio fiorentino dal cinquecento al XX secolo. Parati e arredi liturgici di Bagno a Ripoli e Signa; by Laura Casprini Gentile and Maria Emirena Tozzi Bellini; in: Quaderni di testi e studi 6, collana diretta da Roberto Lunardi; Edizione Polistampa, 2007.
    ISBN 978-88-596-09218-7, Euro 10.

  • see exhibition: Francesca Galloway, London, Catalogue by Sue Kerry, 245 x 310 mm, 196 pages, 172 colour ill., Volume II £ 35 + p&p.
    To order the catalogue please contact:

since January 2007:

  • Textilien aus dem alten Peru. Die Sammlungen der Abegg-Stiftung und des Museums Rietberg, von Nikkibarla Calonder und Judith Rickenbach, 2007, ISBN 978-3-905014-32-7

  • A Taste for the Exotic, foreign Influences on Early Eighteenth-Century Silk Designs, edited by Anna Jolly, with Contributions by Clare Browne, Sjoukje Colenbrander, Anselm Gerhard, Ernst Götz, Ulrike Grimm, Anna Jolly, Jean-Paul Leclercq, Susan Miller, David Mitchell, Roberta Orsi Landini, Elisabeth Schwarm, Friederike Ulrichs, Angela Völker, Friederike Wappenschmidt. Riggisberger Bericht 14, 2007, ISBN 978-3-905014-30-3

  • Destins d’étoffes: Usages, ravaudages et remplois des textiles sacrés, by Christine Aribaud, FRAMESPA 2006, (180 p., 40 illustrations) - ISBN : 2-912025-22-2

  • Mark making Tilleke Schwarz, introduction by Dr. Jessica Hemmings, Winchester, UK. Other texts and translation: Tilleke Schwarz, Alkmaar 2007

  • A chasuble from the textile collection of the Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga by Paula Maria Tomaz, in Portuguese, Abstract of a paper by Paula Maria Tomaz, in: Conservar Patrimonio, Nr. 1, 2005, p. 55.

  • Manto de Nossa Senhora da Oliveira, Estudo històrico. Conservação e Restauro, Instituto Português de Conservação e Restauro, by Paula Maria Tomaz and other authors, in Portuguese, 48 pages, lavishly illustrated with colored photos, ISBN 972-99476-I-9, Déposito legal: 220604/04

  • Quaker School Girl Samplers from Ackworth, by Carol Humphrey, Singapore 2006, in English, 232 pages, lavishly illustrated with numerous colored photos,
    published by


home   Last revised 6 November, 2007 For further information contact Anne Wanner