ANNE WANNER'S Textiles in History / exhibitions |
Musée de l'Impression sur
Etoffes 14, rue Jean-Jacques Henner BP 1468- F- 68072 MULHOUSE cedex |
Tél : ++33 (0)3 89 46 83 00 - Fax :++ 03 89 46 83 10 E-mail : Guided tours must be booked in English, German, Italian and Spanish. Printing courses: The museum organizes some printing courses from 10 am to 4 pm in french, german and english. You can create your own table-cloth or other textile products in wood block printing by hand. Maximum number of persons is limited to 5. Also, if you want to print with your friends, don't hesitate any more! Cost of a day: 45
euros per person (includeed lunch). If you need more
informations, please call 00 33 (0)6 69 10 95 24. |
hours: Open: daily 10 am to 12 pm and 2 to 6 pm except Monday Closed: the 1st of May, 25th December, and the 1st of January. entrance fees: Full price : 6 euros, Half price : 3 euros , Students, the disabled and the unemployed 12 to 18 yrs, 2 euros Free for children up to 12 yrs Groups (min 10 pers) : 4,5 euros Guided Tours (25 adults max) : 45 euros Guided Tours (30 children max) : 45 euros (For groups of children under 12 yrs, a Guided Tour is obligatory.) Ticket coupled with the Wallpaper Museum of Rixheim's : Full price: 10 euros, Reduced price : 8 euros |
Black and White from 8th March to 5th October 2008 |
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release: The printing museum is known for its extensive collection of printed fabrics and for the variety and the freshness of their colours. This time, however, the museum would like to show black-and-white printed fabrics. To this day the technical, historical and plastically aspects of these black-and-white printed fabrics are often misjudged, however, compared to the different other colours they also are very various. This exhibition is an occasion to present rare old fabrics and contemporary fabrics together. These fabrics could be collected during the last 40 years thanks to donations of European editors of furniture fabrics. From tiny samples of the middle of the 19th century to the large panels of furnishing fabrics made by contemporary designers, the exhibition is presented in form of a fresco of an extraordinary diversity. This variety is consolidated by the origin of the fabrics coming from France, Germany, Switzerland, but also from Scandinavia, the Netherlands and Japan. The exhibition is also an occasion to underline the work of the artists, who often are sacrificed by the production process. They help art to enter in the everyday life with textiles which represent an essential element of the decorative art. These black-and-white printings sometimes also are means to transmit messages, like for example the message of tolerance registered in the work of the artist, Clara Halter, by the word peace which is translated into different languages. Black and white give special emphasis to various printing supports and can be combined in infinite alliances. They play with printed and empty surfaces, draw calligraphies, suggest or describe landscapes, cities and geometrical forms. |
Also fauna and flora are represented considerably in the museum. In partnership with the Zoological garden of Mulhouse, the exhibition presents animal skins printed on textiles, pictures of animals and big flowers to renew the glance of the visitors on nature. The combination of black and white makes us discover a particular world with lot of details. Black (absence of any colour) gives all its deepness and power to a white, which is subjected to the black but nevertheless reacts with its own arguments. Linen and voile show their modernity, their transparency and their elegance by smart plays with the light. Drafts, prints, engravings, lithographies, fabrics for dresses or furniture, some of them signed by Raoul Dufy, Piero Fornasetti or Sonia Delaunay, face exhibits of the daily life, which offers the visitors an exhibition with lot of surprises. From the entrance hall to machine hall, the museum gets dressed in black and white, and offers to the public a colourful visit. The technical part is very complex. Can we really speak of colours when we evoke these two tints? How can we obtain a satisfying white on which we can print? With what kind of formula do we print in black? These questions arise, even though these "colours" are already used in the Middle Ages for fabric printing. They can also be found since the 17th century on Indian calicoes, and on almost all contemporary textiles. Furthermore black and white affect the process of the textile creation. Drafts for industry mostly begin with a concept made with a pencil or with Indian ink, before they are developed to precise layouts. The engravers test their drafts for copper plates or wood blocks on white paper, usually with black ink. |
home content | Last revised June 25st, 2008 |