- until
31 December, 2012 Threads of Identity: Contemporary
Maya Textiles, Mint Museum Randolph, Carlotte
- until
31 December 2012 Fashion!
Accessories from head to Toe features, DeWitt
Wallace Decorative Art Gallery of Colonial
Williamsburg, P.O. Box 1776, (USA) Williamsburg
VA 23187 -
- 8
November to 15 December 2012 7th FROM LAUSANNE
TO BEIJING BIENNIAL. This international
Fiber Art Biennale is planned again to take place
in Nantong city, Jiangsu Province, in
the first Chinese spinning mill in the history of
China. Chinese and foreign artists are
welcome to apply. The application time is
from 1 July to 15 July
Further details can be seen on the website http://www.chinafiberart.com.cn
No entree fee for foreigners. The
decision of evaluation will be sent to
the artists by the 15th of August 2012.
Contact person: Ms Liu Quanhua, Fiber Art Lab,
Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua
University, Haidian District
Beijing, China, Postcode: 100084; tel:
International contact: Wang Mei,
email: may_zhe@hotmail.com - Official
Organiser: Prof. Lin Lecheng 010@163.com or fiberart@yahoo.cn; website:
www.chinafiberart.com.cn - Application
deadline: 25 July
2012 (arrival date!)
- July
3 to December 9, 2012 The New Frontier : History and
culture of the native americans from the
collections of the Gilcrease museum Pitti
Palace , Florence, Italy http://www.unannoadarte.it/eng/america.html
- 2010
to 2012 Fashion - a world
of similarities and differences, Palazzo Pitti, Florenz,
- January
2011 to 31 December 2012 Power of Fashion -
300 years of clothing, Nordiksa Museet , Djurgårdsvägen
6-16 Box 27820 S - 115 93 Stockholm , www.nordiskamuseet.se
- 30
March to 31 December 2012 Paniers, baleines
et jabots. La Mode au XVIII siècle,
(wigs, corsets, jabots. Fashion from the 18th
century). Museum voor het Kostuum en de
Kant, Musée du Costume et de la
Dentelle, Rue de la Violette 12, B-1000
- 31
April 2012 to 31 December 2012 wollendekenfabriek
1900-1940, The woolen Blanket Factory
1900-1940 - Audax Textielmuseum
, Goirkestraat 96, NL-5046 GN Tilburg http://www.textielmuseum.nl
- 1
July to 31 December 2012 140 Years of the
Royal School of Needlework, Royal School
of Needlework, Hampton Court Palace, Apt.
12A, (UK) East Molesey, Surrey KT8 9AU http://www.royal-needlework.co.uk
- 1
July to 31 December 2012 140 Years of the
RSN, Royal School of Needlework,
Hampton Court Palace, Apt. 12A, East Molesey,
Surrey KT8 9AU United Kingdom - http://www.royal-needlework.co.uk
- 19
May 2012 to 6 January 2013 Ballgowns. British
glamour since 1950 London: Victoria &
Albert Museum, Cromwell Road, London
SW7 2RL - www.vam.ac.uk
- 22
November to 4 January 2013 Light and Line /
Anne Morrell and Polly Binns, Nottingham
Castle, Friar Lane, (UK) Nottingham;
venue: Gallery of The Civic in Barnsley/UK, http://www.barnsleycivic.co.uk
- since
18 February 2012 reopening Hamburg, Museum
für Kunst und Gewerbe "Sammlung
Moderne", Steintorplatz, D-20099
Hamburg, Fax +49 (0)40 428134-999, http://www.mkg-hamburg.de/de/ausstellungen/aktuell/sammlung-moderne.html
- from
May 2012 Oya. Von osmanischer Mode
zu türkischer Volkskunst, Staatliches
Museum für Völkerkunde, Maximilianstrasse 42, D-80331
München, www.voelkerkundemuseum-muenchen.de
- 1
April to 31 December 2012 Der Kinder bunte
Kleider - childrens clothing from
the own collection, Deutsches
Textilmuseum Krefeld, Andreasmarkt 8, D-47809
Krefeld http://www.krefeld.de/textilmuseum
- 17
July to 14 December 2012 Dorothea Reese-Heim: Seh-Dinge,
TIM - Textil- und Industriemuseum,
c/o Alte Kuka-Halle, Ulmer Straße 72, D-86156
Augsburg, Germany - http://www.tim-bayern.de
- 11 to
14 October, 2012 The renowned US
Quilter Nancy Crow will show her
exhibition Colour
Improvisations at the Knitting
& Stitching Show in London at
Alexandra Palace.
Later this exhibition will be on
show at the German Textile Museum Tuch
+ Technik in Neumünster, Kleinflecken 1,
D-24534, Germany. All venues of this
travelling exhibition can be seen on the website,
- from
9 July 2011 Les mains d'Aubusson,
Sophie Zénon, Musée de la
tapisserie d'Aubusson, Cité
Internationale de la Tapisserie et de l'Art
Tissé, Rue William Dumazet, BP52 - 23200
Aubusson, France, +33 5 55 666 666 - +33
6 23 91 63 88 www.cite-tapisserie.fr
Durant lété 2011, lexposition
"Des métiers et des hommes" consacrée
aux savoir-faire de la tapisserie
dAubusson, par la photographe plasticienne
Sophie Zénon, aura son point de départ au
Musée et sinstallera dans les rues
dAubusson et de Felletin.13
February to 14 December 2012 Lace form Wologda,
Russia, Centre denseignement de la
dentelle aux fuseaux, 38-40 rue Raphaël,
F-43000 Le Puy-en-Velay http://www.ladentelledupuy.com
- 16
June to 31 December 2012 Christian Lacroix, La
Source et le Ballet de l'Opéra de Paris, The
National Costume Museum in Moulins, France http://www.cncs.fr/expositions/a-l-affiche/christian%20lacroix,
- 13
Octobre to 30 December 2012 Dans le cadre de
(Tourcoing, Roubaix, Wattrelos). Après le
succès des deux premières éditions de
Futurotextiles en 2006 à Lille et en 2008 à
Kortrijk, Lille 300 présente une nouvelle
édition de l'exposition : Futurotextiles
Au CETI /Centre Européen des Textiles Innovants
du mercredi au dimanche de 14h à 18h 1, rue des
Métissages 59100 Tourcoing, France, Infos
: T +33 (0)3 62 72 61 00 www.ceti.com www.lille-design.com
- 9
March to 30 December 2012 Herrlichkeiten - Textile
Kirchenschätze aus St.Gallen, Textilmuseum
St.Gallen, Vadianstrasse 2, CH-9000 St.Gallen,
Switzerland. Anlässlich des Gallusjubiläums
inszeniert das Textilmuseum in einer
eindrücklichen Ausstellung prachtvolle
Kirchengewänder sowie textile Kirchenschätze
aus St.Gallen.
- 2
May to 31 December 2012: Fragile treasure -
Conserving court textiles (2012 - ) Konservierung
höfischer Textilien, http://www.bhm.ch/en/exhibitions/permanent-exhibitions/fragile-
treasure-conserving-court-textiles-2012/ - Historisches
Museum Bern, Helvetiaplatz 5, CH-3005 Bern www.bhm.ch -
- 11
February to 4 December 2012, Farbwelten
Strickunikate von Anne S. Gueler, Forum
Mola-Kunst, Günter und Christel Walter-Stiftung,
Schwachhauser Heerstraße 268 A, D- 28359 Bremen,
Germany, Tel.: 0421 2765 88 88 · Fax:
0421 2765 88 89 - E-Mail: info@forum-mola-kunst.de - http://www.forum-mola-kunst.de/
- 25
May to 2 December 2012 Die
Textilmustersammlung Emilie Flöge,
Österreichisches Museum für Volkskunde Laudongasse
16-19 A 1080 Wien, - www.volkskundemuseum.at Die umfangreiche
Textilmustersammlung der Modeschöpferin Emilie
Flöge (1874-1952) - sie war Gustav Klimts Muse
und Partnerin - stammt zu einem großen Teil aus
dem südosteuropäischen Raum. (Pressetext) .
Diverse Ausstellungen zum 150. Geburtstag
von Gustav Klimt in Wien - www.klimt2012.info
- 15
September to 8 December 2012 Lécharpe et
nous! Installation artistique,
Ecomusée de lAvesnois, Musée du
Textile et de la Vie Sociale, Place Maria
Blondeau, BP 65, F-59610 Fourmies, France http://www2.ac-lille.fr/patrimoine-caac/fourmies/textile.htm
- 10
to 25 November 2012 Au coeur des
collections Textiles Association
Amitiés tissées - 34 rue Dombasles - Paris
(15e) http://www.amitiestissees.com/
- 19
November 2011 to 18 November 2012 Maya: Secrets of
their Ancient World, Royal Ontario Museum, 100
Queens Park, (CDN) Toronto, Ontario
M5S 2C6 Canada, http://www.rom.on.ca
- 6
October to 18 November 2012 22nd COMO
Agorà, the 2012 edition of
this renowned judged Como exhibition will be held
at the usual venues around the town.
For further competition details and
the registration form visit the
website, www.miniartextil.it - Arte & Arte,
Via Pannilani 23, I-22100 Como; e-mail: artearte@miniartextil.it
- 10
October to 18 November 2012 Ornament,
Mini Art Textiles exhibition by the
Finnish Association of Textile Artists TEXO - The
Craft Museum of Finland, Kauppakatu 25, 40100
Jyväskylä, Finland - Open Tuesday to Sunday
11-18, Adults 6 Euro, free on Fridays,
Tel: +358 (14) 26 64370 - craftmuseum.info@jkl.fi
All selected artists are members of the
Finnish Association of Designers Ornamo,
including members of the Finnish
Association of Textile Artists Texo:
Nikolai Balabin, Anna-Riitta Haavisto, Nina
Karpov, Merja Keskinen, Sanna Majander, Maija
Paavola, Maija Pellonpää-Forss, Ulla-Maija
Pitkänen, Ulla Pohjola, Silja Puranen, Inni
Pärnänen, Suvi Suikki, Marketta Timonen, Maisa
Turunen-Wiklund, Anna-Mari Vierikko, Johanna
- 7
October to 18 November 2012 annähe®n - Auge
in Auge mit Exponaten des Museum Abtei
Liesborn, Museum Abtei Liesborn, Abteiring
8, D-59329 Wadersloh-Liesborn, Germany
- http://www.museum-abtei-liesborn.de
- 17
October to 17 November 2012 The exhibition Needle
Works on the subject of contemporary
trends in knitting, crocheting and embroidery, at
the Galerie Handwerk in Munich,
Max Joseph-Str. 4, D-80333 Munich, Germany.
- 29
April to 11 November 2012 Ornamenta, Textile
Images of the Middle Ages, temporary exhibition
2012, opening daily 2 pm to 5.30 pm, Abegg-Stiftung,
Werner Abeggstrasse 67, CH-3132
Riggisberg, Switzerland,
phone: +41(0) 31 808 12 01, fax +41 (0)31 808 12
00 - info@abegg-stiftung.ch - http://www.abegg-stiftung.ch
- 18
March to 18 November 2012 Themen rund um die
Baumwolle "Zwischen-Räume" ,
Bocholt, LWL-Industriemuseum TextilWerk, Themen
rund um die Baumwolle - von der Faser über ihre
Verarbeitung bis zum fertigen Produkt.
Ausgangspunkt ist die in Europa einmalige Sammlung
von Textilgeräten, Mustern, Produktbeispielen
und Firmennachlässen, die in den
vergangenen 30 Jahren zusammen getragen wurde.
- 19
November 2011 to 4 November 2012 Timetables -
combination of table linen and services from
1900 to the present, Audax Textielmuseum ,
Goirkestraat 96, NL-5046 GN Tilburg, http://www.textielmuseum.nl
- 30
June to
November 2012 Castle, musée de Normandie,
Caen, The ball gown from empress
Eugénie (wife of Napoleon 3) is exhibited as a
loan of the St.Gall Textilmuseum http://www.dentelles.caen.fr/
- 24
October to 3 November 2012 in Kherson/Ukraine,
International Male Textile Art Exhibition
FIBERMEN. This second juried
International Fibre Art Exhibition is giving
space to male textile artists only.
Organised by Ludmila Egorova from
Scythia. The participation
fee is Euro 50. Ludmila
Egorova, P.O. Box 79, UKR-73028 Kherson;
tel: +38-067/55 38 281; e-mail: anschnei@public.kherson.ua; http://anschnei.public.kherson.ua - Registration
deadline: 1 August 2012
- 24
October to 3 November 2012 International Male
Textile Art Exhibition
Fibermen, Tekstylna
Grupa, c/o Ludmila Egorova, P.O. Box 79,
UA-73028 Kherson http://scythiatextile.com
- 8
September to 28 October 2012 15th INTERNATIONAL
the long road of the emancipation. In Sansepolcro,
Tuscany. Groups, Lace Schools, Museums
and Lace Art Institutions as well as individuals
can take part. Detailed regulation of
this exhibition: Centro
Culturale di Sansepolcro, Via XX
Settembre 99, I-52037 Sansepolcro (AR); Tel:
+390-575/04 93 44; ssepolcrolacebiennial@libero.it - Deadline:
19 May 2012
- 15
September to 30 October 2012 Mixing Cultures , Valcellina
Award, Città Fiera Commercial Centre, Torreano
di Martignacco, Via Antonio Bardelli 4,
I-33035 Udine, Italy http://www.premiovalcellina.org
- 19
May to 31 October 2012 Images de Marques, Exposition
de cartons jacquards etc.,
Musée de la Rubanerie Cominoise, 3, rue des
Arts, B-7780 Comines http://www.villedecomines-warneton.be
- 12
May to
19 September
28 October 2012 "Hinter den
Kulissen". Verborgene
Kunstwerke aus 1000 Jahren, Klosterkirche,
see also special event
Aus der über 1000jährigen Geschichte der
Stiftskirche Sankt Anastasius und Sankt Innozenz
haben sich aus allen Jahrhunderten verschiedenste
Objekte erhalten. Das Portal zur Geschichte
präsentiert in seinen beiden Dauerausstellungen
in der Siftskirche Bad Gandersheim und in der
ehemaligen Klosterkirche Brunshausen bereits
einen beachtlichen Teil dieses Bestandes. Den
Objekten, die in diese Ausstellungsbereiche
bislang nicht eingebunden werden konnten, ist die
diesjährige Sonderausstellung gewidmet. Die
Exponate zeugen von der Bestattungskultur in
Gandersheim, von einstiger barocker Pracht des
Kirchenraumes und von dem Umgang mit der grossen
Geschichte des ehemaligen Reichsstiftes zu Beginn
des 20. Jahrhunderts. Portal zur
Geschichte, Brunshausen 7, Tel. ++05382 955647,
email pzg@gmx.de - www.portal-zur-geschichte.de
- 8
June to 28 October 2012 Brillant Samt für
die Welt , velvet from Lobberich, TextilmuseumDie
Scheune, Krickenbecker Allee 21, D-41334
Nettetal-Hinsbeck, Germany www.textilmuseum-die-scheune.de
- 6
June to 28 October Postmodernism - Style
and Subversion 1970-1990, Schweizerisches
Landesmuseum, Museumstr. 2, CH-8023
Zürich http://www.postmodernism.landesmuseum.ch
- 5
October to 28 October 2012 Auf der Suche -
Klöppelspitze neu interpretiert, dreiteilige
Ausstellung des Deutschen Klöppelverbandes,
Zürcher Stalder AG, Gewerbestr. 9, CH-3421
Lyssach, Switzerland, www.zsag.ch
- 6
July to 27 October 2012 POP! Design,
Culture, Fashion Fashion and Textile
Museum, London. http://www.ftmlondon.org/exhibitions/future/
- until:
21 October 2012 Order and Border, Seattle
Art Museum, 1300 First Avenue, (USA)
Seattle WA 98795 - http://www.seattleartmuseum.org
- 1
September to 15 October 2012 Exhibition to
Contextile 2012. Conference: 2 to 3
October 2012: There will be speakers
about textile art, networking and textile art
education. Address of the
organizers: Ideias Ermergentes,
Produção Cultural, CRL, Espaço Imerge, Rua
de Santa Catarina 781-1°, P-4000-454
Porto, Portugal; email:
imerge@mail.telepac.pl; http://www.ideiasemergentes.pt - http://contextile.wordpress.com
- 4
August to 17 October 2012 Verborgene
Schätze: Angwandte Kunst des 20. und
21. Jahrhunderts, (Applied art) GRASSI
Museum für Angewandte Kunst, Johannisplatz
5-11, D-04103 Leipzig - http://www.grassimuseum.de
- 9
September to 20 October 2012 Tapestries, Bildgewebe,
Ursula Jaeger, im Haus Paula Becker, Kunstkabinett,
Alberstrasse 18, D-28209 Bremen, Germany http://www.akb-bremen.de/GestalterInnen/Textil/Ursula_Jaeger/9,55.html
- 28
July to 8 October 2012 Future Beauty: 30
Years of Japanese Fashion. Museum of
Contempoary Art , Tokyo http://www.mot-art-museum.jp/eng/schedule.html
- 10
November 2011 to 14 October 2012 Il était une fois
... l'enfant dans le tissu imprimé de
1750 à nos jours, Musée de l'impression
sur étoffes, 14 rue Jean-Jacques Henner
- BP 1468, F- 68072 Mulhouse cedex http://www.musee-impression.com/default.html
- 4
May to 30 September 2012 La Fabrique des
grands hommes, Musée des Tissus et des Arts
décoratifs de Lyon, 30-34, Rue de la
Charité, F-69002 Lyon, France -
- 30
April to 7 October 2012 COMME des GARÇONS White
Drama, Musée Galliera in Les
Docks Cité de la Mode et du Design, Paris
- 21
April to 7 October 2012 Taufe und vieles mehr
(textiles), Puppenhausmuseum, Steinenvorstadt
1, CH-4051 Basel Switzerland, http://www.puppenhausmuseum.ch
- 4
September to 7 October 2012 Tapestries, by
Maria Baumschlager-Dünser and paintings
by Jeannette Frei, Botanischer Garten
St.Gallen, Stephanshornstr.4,
CH-9016 St.Gallen, Switzerland, http://www.botanischergarten.stadt.sg.ch
- 3
June to 7 October 2012 Oh, Plastiksack!
Gewerbemuseum Kirchplatz 14, CH-8400
Winterthur , Switzerland - www.gewerbemuseum.ch
- until:
30 September 2012 Des Kaisers geschenkte
Kleider, 25 Meisterwerke textiler Kunst
aus Asien (Asian textile art), Staatliches Museum
für Völkerkunde, Maximilianstr. 42, D-80538
- 18
to 22 September 2012 Zu Gast bei Tuchinform:
Pia Herrmann, Tuchinform, obere
Kirchgasse 8, CH-8400 Winterthur http://www.tuchinform.ch
- until
20 September 2012 The Inca Trail. The
Past of the Andes, Museu Barbier-Mueller
DArt Precolomi de Barcelona, Montcada,
14, (E) Barcelona - http://www.barbier-mueller.ch/
- 19
June to 16 September 2012 6ème édition du
concours Artextures , Musée de la Toile de Jouy,
54, rue Charles de Gaulle,
F-78350 Jouy-en-Josas, France - http://www.jouy-en-josas.fr/ pageLibre00010210.html
- 13
to 16 September 2012 18th European
Patchwork Meeting, Ste Marie-aux-Mines,
Alsace, France, information: www.patchwork-europe.com discount by buying the
tickets early!
- 16
June to 16 September 2012 De Ploeg. Strong
fabrics 1923-2012, Audax Textielmuseum, Tilburg
(NL), Goirkestraat 96, 5046 GN
Tilburg www.textielmuseum.nl
- 20
May to 16 September 2012 GLOBAL PAPER II,
juried exhibition, in two museums in the
Bavarian town of Deggendorf, is open
worldwide to artists specialised in paper.
Application details can be found on the
application form available on the internet. Application:
Birgitta Petschek-Sommer, Museen der
Stadt Deggendorf, Östlicher Stadtgraben
28, D-94469 Deggendorf; Tel:
+49-991/29 60 555; e-mail: museen@deggendorf.de - http://www.museen-deggendorf.de - Application
deadline: 27 Feb. 2012
- until
3 September 2012 Perpetual Motion:
Material Re-use in the Spirit of Thrift, Utility
and Beauty, Textile Museum of Canada,
55 Centre Ave., Toronto, Ontario M5G 2H5
- 11
March to 9 September 2012 "il tessuto è
tutto" Museo del Tessuto, Via
Santa Chiara 24, 59100 Prato,
Italia, Telefono:
+39 0574 611503, - Fax +39 0574
444585 - http://www.museodeltessuto.it/ - email: info (at)
- 11
January to 26 August 2012 Gala Dress - Court
and Couture. The Amalienborg Museum,
Copenhagen http://dkks.dk/gala-dress
The exhibition displays a colourful and unique
selection of HM Queen Margrethe's most splendid
gala dresses from the Court's major occasions
from the 1960s to the present.
- 28
February to 3 September 2012 Werkstijl.
Function and fashion. Rotterdam: Museum
Rotterdam, Korte Hoogstraat 31, 3011 GK
Rotterdam Centrum - Schielandshuis
- 9
June to 8 September 2012 textiel verbindt / zomerexpositie
(textiles), Galerie help u zelven, Wilhelminastraat
9, NL-7101 CM Winterswijk, Netherlands http://www.helpuzelven.nl
- 31
March to 2 September 2012 Style Arfica -
Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery:
Fabrics, embroideries, printed and dyed textiles,
20th century until today, - www.bmag.org.uk/events?id=1797
- 4
May to 28 August 2012 Soie de Saxe -
Seide aus Sachsen. Rekonstruierte Gewebe
aus vier Jahrhunderten. Westfälisches
Industriemuseum, Leipziger Straße 125,
D-08451 Crimmitschau
fon: 03762 931939, fax: 03762 931938
eMail: crimmitschau@saechsisches-industriemuseum.de
- 20
June to 27 August 2012 Die Bauhäuslerin
Benita Koch-Otte, 1920-1933, Bauhaus
Archiv, Museum für Gestaltung, Klingelhöferstr.
14, D-10785 Berlin - http://www.bauhaus.de
- 17
May to 26 August 2012 TO SHOCK THE
the St. Petersburg Museum of Avant-Garde,
Matyushins House, Professor Popov Street
10. This exhibition is showing caricatures
depicting futurists and graphic chronicles of the
avant-garde movement in Russia. The futurists
themselves used these materials as an effective
means of propaganda of the new art and as
- Miniartextil
2011 will be shown 22
June to 2 September 2012 at Palazzo
Mocenigo, San Stae, Venezia - www.miniartextil.it - Catalogue
in 3 languages and introduction by Prof. Luciano
Caramel may be purchased at: Arte&Arte,
Associazione Culturale, Via Pannilani 23, I-22100
Como, Italy.
- 17
July to 2 September 2012 Jubilee: A
Celebration of British Monarchy on Stage
and Screen Fashion Museum, Bath http://www.museumofcostume.co.uk/exhibitions/future_displays/jubilee.aspx
This exhibition of stage and film costumes
celebrates the story of the rulers of Britain,
from King Edgar to HM Queen Elizabeth II.
- 29
March 2011 to 2 September 2012 Katagami. Japanese
Colour Stencils, Museum für Kunst und
Gewerbe, Steintorplatz 1, D-20099
Hamburg - http://www.mkg-hamburg.de
- 21
March to 12 August 2012 Living Fashion. Women's
Daily Wear 1750-1950, ModeMuseum, Antwerp
- http://www.momu.be
- 16
to 19 August 2012 Cross Roads - EQA COMPETION
The European Quilt Association (EQA) is
organizing an exhibition for the Festival of
Quilts in Birmingham, United Kingdom, with
applications via each of the quilt associations
that are members of the EQA. On the EQA
website the member organisations are
published: http://www.e-q-a.eu
The deadline for the different
organisation was between end
of May and the beginning of June 2012 (different for each
- 31
March to 12 August 2012 British Design
1948-2012 - Innovation in the Modern Age.
The Victoria and Albert Museum, London www.vam.ac.uk
- 11
May to 15 August 2012 CraftsStoff, Deutsches
Textilmuseum Krefeld, Andreasmarkt 8,
D-47809 Krefeld Germany. Überblick
über die 18jährige Tätigkeit der Künstler
Barbara Esser und Wolfgang Horn. Beide Künstler
leben und arbeiten in Düsseldorf.
- 23
March to 6 August 2012 Woven Treasures of
Japan's Tawaraya Workshop, Textile
Museum Washington, 2320 S Street, DC
20008 USA http://www.textilemuseum.org/exhibitions27
April to 29 July Fashioning Fashion -
Europäische Moden 1700 - 1915 eine
Ausstellung des Los Angeles County Museum of Art
im Deutschen Historischen Museum,
Deutsches Historisches Museum, Unter den
Linden 2 D-10117 Berlin, info@dhm,de www.dhm.de
- 1
July to 31 July 2012 The Memory Clothes
- An exhibition blending textiles,
stitch and digital imagery, Cash, Lynda,
Yr Hen Ysgol, Capel Isaac, (UK) Llandeilo,
Carmarthenshire, Wales SA 19 7TL; venue:
King Street Gallery, Carmarthenshire http://www.textilesociety.org.uk
- 4
April to 29 July 2012 Freitag - Out of
the Bag, Museum für Gestaltung,
Ausstellungsstr. 60, CH-8031 Zürich, Switzerland
- 4
July to 29 July 2012 Ornament,
Mini Art Textiles exhibition by the
Finnish Association of Textile Artists TEXO -
Lasipalatsi Gallery, Mannerheimintie 22-24, 00100
Helsinki, Finland
Open Tuesday
to Sunday 12-18, Free entry, Tel: +358 9
627 340 - www.lasipalatsi.fi
- 13
May to 22 July 2012 Einmalig!- das
Unikat members of the group
"Angewandte und freie Kunst" of
GEDOC Heidelberg will show their works
at Textilsammlung Max Berk, Kurpfälzisches
Museum, Heidelberg-Ziegelhausen ,
Brahmsstr. 8, D-69118, Germany - http://www.museum-heidelberg.de
- until
22 July 2012 Elke dag een draadje... Borduren
in gevangenschap 1940-1945, (embroidery)
Verzetsmuseum Amsterdam, Plantage
kerklaan 61, (NL) Amsterdam
- 20
November 2011 to 1 July 1012 Cotton Worldwide -
Baumwolle weltweit, Historisches
Museum und Völkerkundemuseum St.Gallen, Museumsstrasse
50, CH-9000 St.Gallen, Switzerland, photo
exhibition and objects of the museum collection. www.hmsg.ch,- info@hmsg.ch - Publication: Hans Peter
Jost, Christrina Kleineidam, Baumwolle weltweit,
Lars Mueller Publishers, Baden, 2010 - http://www.photoeye.com/magazine/reviews/2010/06_11_Cotton_Worldwide.cfm - http://www.amazon.de/Cotton-worldwide-Hans-Peter-Jost/dp/3037782013
- 21
April to 1 July 2012 Fächer und Wedel Nur
ein Hauch, (fans) Deutsches
Ledermuseum, Schuhmuseum Offenbach, Frankfurter
Str. 86, D-63067 Offenbach, Germany
- http://www.ledermuseum.de
- 1
April until 8 July 2012 Verhüllt -
Enthüllt. Textile Objekte und
Installationen von Claudia Merx in der Aachener
Domschatzkammer, Johannes-Paul
II-strasse, Aachen, Germany, http://www.claudiamerx.de
- 20
April to 2 July 2012 Tapisserie ou
papier peint? - Un art contemporain (Tapestry
or painted paper a contemporary art) at
the Centre de Tapisserie, des Arts Muraux
et des Arts du Tissu, 9 place Reine
Astrid, B-7500 Tournai. On 20 April a one-day conference is
planned on the day of the opening. Participants
are asked to apply before 13
fond.tapisserie@skynet.be - ; tel: +32-69/234285; http://www.tournai.be/musee-tapisserie
- 29
June until 1 July 2012 first exhibition of the Swiss
Textile Group TAFch in: Altstadthalle,
Untere Altstadt 14, CH-6300 Zug -
Switzerland http://www.tafch.ch
- In
Foundation for the Textile Art
of Budapest and the Art Gallery
of Szombathely are again organizing this
event. The event consists of three parts: 1.
Miniature Textile Triennial, 2. Flag Triennial,
and 3. Band Triennial. The deadline was the 5th
of Dec.2011. www.keptar.szombathely.hu - person in charge
at the Cultural Foundation for the Textile Art is
Judit Bányász: bjudit53@gmail.com
- 14
May 2011 to 30 June 2012 Global threads:
Asian Textiles & Fashion Today.
Harris Museum & Art Gallery , Market Square,
(UK) Preston PR1 2PP, Lancashire
- http://www.harrismuseum.org.uk
- 1
January to 30 June 2012 Royal Connections,
Royal School of Needlework, Hampton
Court Palace, Apt. 12A, East Molesey,
Surrey KT8 9AU United Kingdom - http://www.royal-needlework.co.uk
- 12
May to 24 June 2012 "Reisebilder
in Mola Technik" von Christel Walter,
Ausstellung ist dem Hauptthema des FORUMS
MOLA-KUNST -der Mola-Technik, gewidmet. FORUM
MOLA-KUNST, Schwachhauser Heerstraße
268 A, D-28359 Bremen, Germany,
Tel.: 0421 2765 88 88 · Fax: 0421 2765 88 89,
E-Mail: info@forum-mola-kunst.de - http://www.forum-mola-kunst.de
- 15
May to 18 June 2012 "Le
Parement d'autel des Cordeliers de Toulouse.
Anatomie d'un chef d'oeuvre du XIVe
siècle" Musée Paul-Dupuy, 13
rue de la Pleau, F-31000-Toulouse,
sous le
commissariat de Maria Alessandra Bilotta et
Marie-Pierre Chaumet Sarkissian musee.paul-dupuy@mairie-toulouse.fr
Catalogue de lexposition : Le
Parament d'autel des Cordeliers de Toulouse.
Anatomie d'un chef-d'oeuvre du XIVème siècle
sous la direction éditoriale et scientifique de
Maria Alessandra Bilotta et Marie-Pierre
Chaumet-Sarkissian, pp.196, 116 illustrations,
39,00 - Coédition Musée
Paul-Dupuy/Somogy éditions d'Art, 2012 - ISBN:
- 16
May to 10 June International Tapestry
Exhibition Ori rhythm, Kyoto Art
Center, 546-2 Yamafushi-yama-cho,
Nakagyou-ku, Kyoto 604-8156 - http://en.kac.or.jp
- 16
May to 10 June 2012 14th MINITEXTILE EXHIBITION
IN BRATISLAVA, to the theme of
Banality and Grace, at the Gallery
SVU, Dostojevského rad 2, SK-81109
Bratislava, organized by the Slovak
Artists Association TXT. The
deadline was 31 October 2011, the curator is
Silvia Federová, email: federova.silvia@gmail.com - http://www.txt.sk
- 17
September 2011 to 3 June 2012 Domestic Embroideries,
Museum of Fine Arts, 465 Huntington Ave., USA
Boston, MA 02115-5523 - http://www.mfa.org
- from
10 June 2011 opening of Cristóbal
Balenciaga Museo, Madrid/Getaria, Spanien
www.cristobalbalenciagamuseoa.com - Video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7APtHZodP4
- 25
January to 5 June 2012 Golden Spider Silk,
Victoria & Albert Museum, London. Cromwell
Road, London SW7 2RL. This display showcases the
worlds largest pieces of cloth made
from spider silk. It includes a brocaded
shawl made from the silk of more than one million
female golden orb-weaver spiders
collected in the highlands of Madagascar,
as well as a cape on public display for the first
time. The display also features background
material and a short film revealing the
process. http://www.vam.ac.uk
- 26
February to 3 June 2012 Auf Tuchfühlung,
700 Jahre textile Vielfalt am Niederrhein, Städtisches
Museum Wesel, Galerie im Centrum, D-46483
Wesel, Germany - www.wesel.de
Zur Ausstellung erscheint ein Begleitbuch
+ Niederländisch) mit verschiedenen Aufsätzen
zur textilen Geschichte des Niederrheins und
einzelnen Bereichen der Sammlung.
Ein Bestandskatalog, in dem die Sammlung
verzeichnet ist, wird im Laufe des Projektes auf
DVD herausgegeben - voraussichtliches
Erscheinungsdatum: Ende März 2012.
Im Anschluss an die Weseler Ausstellung gehen Teile
der Weseler Sammlung ins Städtische
Kramer-Museum Kempen, ins Museum
de Kantfabriek in Horst (NL), ins LWL-Industriemuseum
TextilWerk Bocholt und ins Deutsche
Textilmuseum in Krefeld, um dort in
neuen themenbezogenen Ausstellungen präsentiert
zu werden.
- 5
May to 9 June 2012 Kambodscha - Laos,
textil-kunst-galerie, Steingasse 35 A
5020 Salzburg, open Thursday, Friday and
Saturday 3-7 pm. mobil: 0664
91 66 891 ferdinand.aichhorn@aon.at
- 1
March to 28 May 2012 Berlin
Kunstbibliothek, Matthäikirchplatz, D-10785
Berlin: Dodo (1907 - 2998), in Berlin
1907 als Dörte Clara Wolff geboren,
entwickelte schon als junge Frau eine attraktive
Anziehungskraft. Nach ihrer Ausbildung zur
erfolgreichen Kostümzeichnerin und
Modegrafikerin an der renommierten Schule Reimann
war sie zwischen 1927 und 1929 auf ihrem
künstlerischen Höhepunkt. www.smb.museum/smb/kalender/details.php?objID=29701&datum=01.03.2012+00:00
- 13
April to 26 May 2012, opening ceremony April 13
2012, 5.pm. SMALL SIZE WORKS.
Fiber Art from Asia and Europe, Janina
Monkute-Marks Museum Basanaviciaus G.45,
LT-57182 Kedainiai, Lithuania,
Erny Piret Commissaire de lexposition - http://www.flickr.com/photos/78715328@N08/sets/72157629365218358/show/
- until:
13 May 2012 Fabric of a New Nation: American
Needlework and Textiles, 1776-1840, Art
Institute of Chicago, 111 South Michigan Avenue,
(USA) Chicago, IL 60603 - http://www.artic.edu/aic
- 14
April to 13 May 2012 Valcellina Award
exhibition, the 8th edition
of this well-known international textile art
competition/exhibition has the theme of
Mixing Cultures.
Associazione LE ARTI TESSILI, Via
Carso, 4, I-33085 Maniago (PN), Italy - http://www.premiovalcellina.org
- 29
January to 20 May 2012 Magische Stoffe,
gewobene Träume, kunstvolle Textilien aus
Indonesien, Haus der Voelker, A-6130
Schwaz, Austria, St. Martin 16, Tel.+43
(0) 5242 66090 info@hausdervoelker.com - www.hausdervoelker.com
- 12
May to 13 May 2012 Kumihimo - Japanisches
Gürtelflechten in Seide, Regula
Berger-Haupt, Kurszentrum Ballenberg,
CH-3855 Brienz; www.ballenbergkurse.ch
- until:
28 April 2012 Quiltmaking: Decline
and Revival, Quilt Museum and Gallery, St
Anthonys Hall, Peasholme Green, York
YO1 7PW United Kingdom - www.quiltmuseum.org.uk
- 29
November 2011 to 8 May 2012 The Great
Designers: Part One. The Museum at FIT, N.Y. Further
information: museumatfit@museumatfit.pmailus.com
- to
April 2012 Folles couleurs, motifs
audiacieux: Modes et textiles du 20e au
21e siècles, Royal Ontario Museum
, 100 Queen's Park, Toronto, ON,
M5S 2C6 - www.rom.on.ca
- 1
March to 6 May "The Stuff That
Matters. Textiles collected by Seth
Siegelaub for the Center for Social
Research on Old Textiles (CSROT). Seth
Siegelaub is the publisher of Bibliographica
Textilia Historiae. The exhibition will take
place at Raven Row, 56 Artillery Lane,
London E1 7LS; email: info@ravenrow.org - www.ravenrow.org
The exhibition will feature almost 300 items from
a collection currently comprising around 650
works. It will include woven and printed
textiles, embroideries and costume, ranging from
fifth-century Coptic to Pre-columbian Peruvian
textiles, late medieval Asian and Islamic
textiles, and Renaissance to eighteenth-century
European silks and velvets.
- 20
May to 29 April 2012 Oya - Ottoman
fashion, Staatliches Museum für Völkerkunde, Maximilianstr.
42, D-80538 München - www.voelkerkundemuseummuenchen.de
- 17
April to 21 April 2012 Zu Gast bei tuchinform:
Anne-Martine Perriard, Obere Kirchgasse
8, CH-8400 Winterthur, Switzerland http://www.tuchinform.ch/de/ausstellungen/2012/annemartineperriard/
- 10
March to 22 April 2012, "Galerija
Balta" in Kaunas, Lithuania is
organizing the international group exhibition
Experiments with Light . More
information via Almyra Weigel almyra27@googlemail.com
- 18
November to 15 April 2012 Art and Design for
All: The Victoria and Albert Museum, Kunst
und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik
Deutschland, Bonn - http://www.kah-bonn.de/
- 25
September 2011 to 15 April 1012 "Es putzt ganz
ungemein" - Accessoires und
Damenkleidung der letzten 200 Jahre aus
dem Bestand des Deutschen Textilmuseums,
Deutsches Textilmuseum, Andreasmarkt 8, D-47809
Krefeld, Germany www.krefeld.de/textilmuseum.
- 10
February to 22 April 2012 Lurex, trame et
volupté, Musée des Tissus et des Arts
décoratifs de Lyon, 30-34, Rue de la
Charité, F-69002 Lyon, France -
- 24
March to 7 April 2012 Marialuisa Sponga presents
"Fili e Materia come Colore", Saturday 24th March at 5 p.m. there
will be the opening of Strings and Matter
as color of the textile artist Marialuisa
The exhibition will include 14 arrases, 3 Table
sculptures the minitextil
and 2 artists books. At Daniela
Padelli in: Spazio, Via Corti 8, 23900
Lecco, Loc. Pescarenico, Italia, Cell. 348 8523307, info@spaziod.net - www.spaziod.net
- 5
March to 14 April 2012 Artextures, Bibliothèque
Forney, Paris, 1 rue Figuier, F-7500
- 8
December 2011 to 1 April 2012 San Nicola,
Tiziano, il Merletto. Museo Diocesano, Piazza
Duomo 12, I-36100 Vicenza, Italy.
The exhibition is dedicated to
St. Nicholas of Bari and to the donation of a precious
piece of lace made
in Burano between 1930 and
1934. On display are also some works of art
coming from diocesan parishes depicting St.
Nicholas and an altarpiece by Titian
signed and dated 1563. http://www.vicenza.com/vetrina/museo-diocesano/profilo
- 8
November 2011 to 1 April 2012 Allerhand. Fächer
und Handschuhe aus der MAK-Sammlung, MAK
Oesterreichisches Museum für angewandte Kunst, Stubenring
5, 1010 Wien - www.mak.at
- 4
November 2011 to 25 March 2012 Icône de mode,
Musée des tissus, 34 rue de la
Charité, 69002 LYON France
- 1
October 2011 to 4 March 2012 Orientalische
Teppichkunst für die Höfe Europas, die
Holbein-Teppiche im Bayerischen
Nationalmuseum, Prinzregentenstrasse 3, D-80538
München - www.bayerisches-nationalmuseum.de
- 11
February to 4 March 2012, Farbwelten
Strickunikate von Anne S. Gueler, Forum
Mola-Kunst, Günter und Christel Walter-Stiftung,
Schwachhauser Heerstraße 268 A, D- 28359 Bremen,
Germany, Tel.: 0421 2765 88 88 · Fax:
0421 2765 88 89 - E-Mail: info@forum-mola-kunst.de - http://www.forum-mola-kunst.de/ - 11
to 12 February 2012 (Saturday
11th, 10am to 5 pm and Sunday 12th, 10am to 1 pm)
- Strickworkshop
"Es ist kalt draussen -hüllen Sie sich in
warme Mützen".
- 7
October 2011 to 26 February 2012 Yvonne Wells:
Quilted Messages, The International
Quilt Study Center & Museum, 33rd and
Holdrege Streets, Lincoln, NE 68583-0838, USA, at
the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
It will introduce visitors to the quilts of
Yvonne Wells, an influential and prolific
contemporary folk artist. Wells is African
American, but does not use 'African American
quiltmaker' as her primary identity. For her, the
term glosses over the individual vision expressed
in her work. Instead, Wells calls herself an
artist who makes folk art and her medium is
- 18
November 2011 to 25 February 2012 From Catwalk to
Cover, Fashion and Textile Museum, 83
Bermondsey Street, (UK) London SE1 3XF - http://www.ftmlondon.org
- 7
October 2011 to 26 February 2012 FASHION TALKS!
Berlin, Museum für Kommunikation, Leipziger
Straße 16, 10117 Berlin
- 4
November 2011 to 26 February 2012 Splendour and Glory
of the Middle Ages Museum Schnütgen,
Cologne, Germany,
- Miniartextil
2011 will be shown
4 to 24 February 2012 at Salon de
l'Hotel de Ville , Montreouge (Paris)
- 14
September to 19 February 2012 "Dream the
world awake" - Walter van
Beirendonck, ModeMuseum Provincie
Antwerpen MoMu, Nationalestraat
28, B-2000 Antwerpen, T +323 470 27 70
- 29
October 2011 to 19 February 2012 Lost in Lace, Birmingham
Museum and Art Gallery, Chamberlain
Square, (UK) Birmingham B3 3 - http://www.bmag.org.uk/
- 27
November to 19 February 2012, Couture.
Mode-Objekte von Stephan Hann, Kunsthalle
St. Annen / St. Annen-Straße 15 / 23552 Lübeck,
Germany, mkk@luebeck.de Retrospektive von ca. 100
Kleiderobjekten des Berliner Mode- und
Materialkünstlers Stephan Hann. www.die-luebecker-museen.de/
- 16
November 2011 to 16 February 2012 The tunic and
palliums of Saint Césaire of Arles on
display in: Musée du Louvre,
Aile Richelieu, 1st floor, room 6. Information:
tel. 00 (33)(0) 1 40 20 53 17.
- 22
November 2011 to 11 February 2012 Symbol &
Colour. Four centuries of textile art,
Galerie Kelim, Büttnerstr. 25, D-97070 Würzburg
- http://www.kelim-art.de
- until
January 31 Handmade, Le Musée
du Costume et de la Dentelle, Brussels - http://www.bruxelles.be/4209
- 1
October 2011 to 29 January 2012 Sheila Hicks: Fifty
years, Mint Museum of Art, 2730
Randolph Road, USA Charlotte, NC 28207; http://www.mintmuseum.org
- 2
December to 29 January 2012 Dots - Light and
patterns. Tekstilkunstneren Dorte
Ostergaard, Jakobsen, Det Danske
Kunstindustrimuseet, Bredgade 68, DK-1260
Kobenhavn K, http://designmuseum.dk/
- until
February 2011 Lost in Lace: New
approaches by UK and international artists,
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery, Birmingham,
United Kingdom - http://lostinlace.org.uk/21
August 2011 to 5 February 2012 Textile Philatelie,
Briefmarken an vielen Geschichtsfäden, Haus
der Seidenkultur, Historische Paramentenweberei,
Hubert Gotzes, Luisenstr. 15, D-47799 Krefeld - http://www.seide-krefeld.de
- 6
November 2011 to 5 February 2012 International
textile art, Museen der Stadt Delmenhorst,
Fabrikmuseum Nordwolle, Am Turbinenhaus 10-12, D-27749
Delmenhorst, Germany - http://www.delmenhorst.de/nordwolle/museen
- 4
December to 5 February 2012 Verborgene Schätze,
die Iran Sammlung Rennhard, Grassi Museum
für Angewandte Kunst, Johannisplatz
5-11, D-04103 Leipzig - http://www.grassimuseum.de/home.html
- 26
March to
31 December
2011 29
January 2012, "StGall", die
Geschichte der Spitze in St.Gallen,
Textilmuseum St.Gallen, Vadianstrasse 2,
CH-9000 St.Gallen, Switzerland http://www.textilmuseum.ch
- 6
October 2011 to 21 January 2012 Materials
Revisited. 10th Trienial for form and contents
2011 Frankfurt am Main, Museum für
angewandte Kunst, Schaumainkai 17,
60594 Frankfurt am Main, Telefon: 069-
212-340 37
- 6
September to 15 January 2011 Poiret and the Art
Deco Style in Fashion Design, The Moscow Kremlin
- 16
September through January 7, 2012 - Daphne Guinness -
New York - Approximately 100 garments
and accessories from the personal collection of
Daphne Guinness will be featured in this
exhibition, along with clothes that she has
designed herself, a selection of her vertiginous
shoes, and her films, The Phenomenology
of the Body and Mnemosyne. The
exhibition will be co-curated by Daphne
Guinness and Valerie Steele (press
release) - Infos: The Museum at FIT museumatfit@museumatfit.pmailus.com http://fitnyc.edu/10861.asp
- 4
February 2011 to 8 January 2012 Second Lives: The
Age-Old Art of Recycling Textiles The
Textilemuseum, Washington, USA Infos: www.textilemuseum.org/exhibitions/current/SecondLives.htm
- 18
September 2011 to 8 January 2012 SAMT UND SEIDE, Französische
Luxus-Stoffe aus der Epoche von Pierre-Auguste
Renoir - Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz,
Theaterplatz 1, D-09111 Chemnitz,
Germany, e-mail: kunstsammlungen@stadt-chemnitz.de
- +49 (0) 371 488
- 9
September 2011 to 8 January 2012 Märkische Kunst -
Bilderwelt des Mittelalters, Raubritter
& schöne Madonnen, Haus der
Brandenburgisch-Preussischen Geschichte,
Kutschstall, Am Neuen Markt 9, D-14467
Potsdam, info@hbpg.de - www.hbpg.de
- 14
February 2011 to 8 January, 2012, What will she
wear? The Enduring Romance of the
Wedding Dress, Fashion Museum, Bath,
- 25
June 2011 to 8 January 2012 Prints! in fashion
and costume history, Stedelijk Modemuseum , Gasthuisstr.
11, B-3500 Hasselt; - http://www.modemuseum.hasselt.be
- 8
April 2011 to 8 January 2012 Royal Vintage, Royal
Armoury, Stockholm, www.livrustkammaren.se
- 1
October 2011 to 6 January 2012 Young Brides, Old
Treasures: Macedonian Embroidered Dress,
Museum of International Folk Art, Museum of New
Mexico, Camino Leijo off Old Santa Fe Trail,
(USA) Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505 - www.internationalfolkart.org