Exhibitions 2013:
- February
2013 Opening
of the new Riesensaal Tournament and Parade
Weapons from the Rüstkammer, in the
Small Courtyard of the Residenzschloss Dresden. Staatliche
Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Germany, Residenzschloss,
Taschenberg 2, Ecke Schlossstraße, D-01067 Dresden, E-Mail:
Mo bis Fr: 08:00 bis 20:00 Uhr - Sa /
So: 09:00 bis 18:00 Uhr
Telefon: +49 - (0)351 - 49 14 2000 - Telefax: +49
- (0)351 - 49 14 2001
Das Dresdner Residenzschloss wird ab 19.
Februar 2013 um einen grandiosen Saal und einen
bedeutenden Ausstellungsbereich zugleich
erweitert: Mit der Eröffnung des neuen
Riesensaals erstrahlt der Hauptsaal des Dresdner
Schlosses - 280 Jahre nach seinem Verschwinden im
Jahre 1733 - in neuem Gewand. Der neue
Riesensaal wird zum Schauplatz für eine Auswahl
an Objekten aus einer der kostbarsten
Prunkwaffen-, Harnisch- und Kostümsammlungen weltweit:
der Rüstkammer. Präsentiert werden im
Riesensaal gut 400 Objekte, darunter Turnier- und
Prunkwaffen, die exemplarisch für die damalige
Art der sportlichen Betätigung den Hergang
verschiedener historischer Turnierformen und die
Pracht des Kurfürsten speziell am sächsischen
Hof veranschaulichen.
- 15
May to 31 December 2013 Vision
Frühling/Sommer 2014, Textilmuseum St.Gallen,
Switzerland, Vadianstrasse 2 CH-9000 St.
Gallen, Switzerland, Infos:
- until
1 December 2013 All Dressed Up: Fashions
for Children and Their Families Philadelphia
Museum of Art, 2600 Benjamin Franklin
Parkway, USA Philadelphia, PA 19130 Tel.:
(+1) 215 763 8100
- 12
October to 1 December 2013. Eros: the
23rd edition of this international
exhibition of Contemporary Textile Art
One work per artist (strictly 20x20x20 cm) may be
submitted. There is no entry fee. Several prizes
are awarded. The results of the jury
selection will be know by the 31st of May 2013.
Address: Arte & Arte, Associazione
Culturale, Via Pannilani 23, I-22100
Como; Tel. +39-031/305621; email: - ; - Deadline:
20 April 2013 (date of arrival)
- until
1 December 2013 From Corsets to Playsuits
- Womens Outdoor Clothing 1880 - 1940,
Nordiska Djurgårdsvägen 6-16, S-11593 Stockholm
- 16
November to 1 December 2013 Ursula
Gerber-Senger, Objekte und Fotoarbeiten, Kulturschüür
Liebegg, CH-8708 Männedorf, alte
Landstrasse 230 - open: wednesday,
friday 5pm to 8pm, Saturday and Sunday 2pm to 5
pm -
- 7
July to 24 November 2013 Inside Out Einblicke
in die Mode, Museum für Kunst und
Gewerbe, Steintorplatz 1, D
20099 Hamburg. Tel.: (+49) 40 428
134 880 -
- 28
April to 10 November 2013 The Pleasures of
Collecting, Works of Art and Textiles
from Historic Private Collections. Abegg
Foundation, Ch-3132 Riggisberg,
Switzerland Daily 2 pm - 5.30 pm.
exhibition presents works of applied art from
famous private collections of the nineteenth and
early twentieth century which later became part
of the Abegg-Stiftung's collection.
The exhibition sheds light both on collectors of
renown such as Alfred Pringsheim, Albert Figdor
and Edmond de Rothschild.
- 18
October to 17 November 2013 Stickerei
Ausstellung Galerie 39, Untere Etzmatten
39, CH-4467 Rothenfluh, Switzerland.
open Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
and on request + (0) 61991 05 46
- 22
May to 16 November 2013. RetroSpective New
York - The Museum at FIT Seventh
Avenue at 27th Street New York, New York
10001-5992. Featuring more than 100
garments, accessories, and textiles from the
Museums permanent collection, RetroSpective
begins with a selection of fashions that
references historical periods prior to the
eighteenth century, including a 1981 gold lamé
ensemble by Zandra Rhodes and a 1999 painted silk
chiffon gown by Alexander McQueen for Givenchy
Couture. Weitere Infos: /
- 16
July to 11 November 2013 Hippie Chic
Paisley, beads, and fringe: celebrate
hippie fashion, Museum of Fine Arts, Avenue
of the Arts, 465 Huntington Av, USA
Boston, MA 02115. Tel.: (+1) 617
267 9300 -
- 23
June to 10 November 2013 Textiles: open
letter, Abstraktionen, Textilien, Kunst,
Städtisches Museum Abteiberg, Abteistrasse
27, D-41061 Mönchengladbach, Germany, Tel
+49 (0) 2161-252637-
Kuratiert von Rike Frank und Grant Watson
- 26
April to 3 November 2013 Shanghai Glamour: New
Women 1910s-40s The Museum of Chinese in
America , 215 Centre Street ,
New York, NY 10013 - - The exhibition,
guest-curated by scholar Mei Mei Rado, features
12 exquisite outfits from 1910s to 1940s on loan
from the China National Silk Museum in Hangzhou
on view for the first time in the United
States and three dresses from prominent
private New York collections.
- 5
November to 9 November 2013 Weaving Royal
Traditions through Time: Textiles and
Dress at the Thai Court, Queen Sirikit
Museum of Textiles, Ratsadakorn-bhibhathana
The Grand Palace, (T) Bangkok 10200 -
- 6
May to 3 November 2013 THE 14th
at the Central Museum of
Textiles in Lodz (282 Piotrkowska Str., PL-93034
Lodz, Poland).
- 17
November 2012 to 3 November 2013 Tales on the Table.
Damask with a Story Nederlands
Textielmuseum, Goirkerstraat 96,
NL 5046 GN Tilburg Tel.: (+31) 13
5367 475 -
- 28
April to 3 November 2013 Teppich, Tüll und
Tafeltuch - repräsentative
Wohntextilien, LWL-Industriemuseum, TextilWerkBocholt,
Uhlandstr. 50, D-46397 Bocholt,
Germany -
Begleitbuch: Auf Tuchfühlung, 700 Jahre textile Vielfalt
am Niederrhein, ISBN 978-3-924380-87-8
- 1
May to 3 November 2013 Von Drachen
und Lotusblüten, Chinese
embroidery. Schlösserland Sachsen,
Fasanenschlösschen, D-01468 Moritzburg -
- 28
September to 3 November 2013 CONTENANT -
Exposition Textile-Résonanc, présente les
créations textiles contemporaines de 50
artistes. Musée de la Chemiserie et de
lÉlégance masculine, Rue Charles
Brillaud, F-36200 Argenton-sur-Creuse
(Indre). France, Tél. : 02 54 24 34 69 - -
Latelier Textile-Résonance, créé et
animé par Joëlle Jan-Gagneux depuis 2005, est
une association qui a pour but de promouvoir et
de développer les recherches en matière de
création textile, détudier lArt en
général et lart textile en particulier,
dorganiser des événements (expositions,
visites, recherches en histoire des arts
de favoriser lexpression contemporaine
dartistes utilisant le textile.
- 19
September to 31 Oktober 2013 Hanghzou
Triennale: Fiber Visions, China Academy
of Art, Sculpture Dep., Studio for Fiber
and Space Art, venue: Zhejiang Art
Museum 138, Nan Shan Rd., TJ-310002
- 11
September to 20 Oktober 2013 Cheongju
International Craft Biennale 2013, Sangsang
Maru Convention Hall, 1st Floor, Cheongju
Cultural Industry Complex, 314
Sangdong-ro (Naeduck 2 dong 201-31),
(ROK) Cheogju-Si, Chungcheongbuk-do, 361-828,
- 17
September to 27 October 2013 IX International
Baltic Mini Textile Triennial, Gdynia
2013, Centralne Muzeum Wlókiennictwa, ul.
Piotrkowska 282, PL-93034 Lodz
- 27
March to 27 October 2013 Sacred Stitches: Ecclesiastical
Textiles in the Rothschild Collection at
Waddesdon Manor. Curator: Rachel Boak, Location:
Drawings Rooms. Waddesdon Manor,
Aylesbury, Bucks, HP18 0JH,
Tel. 9am-5pm, Mon-Fri: ++01296 653207 - - email:
- 4
May to 27 October 2013 Hübsch Hässlich -
Die Geschichte der Schönheit Benediktinerstift
St. Paul Hauptstrasse 1 A-9470 St.
Paul - T +43 4357 20 19 0 - F +43 4357
20 19 23 -
- 2
to 13 October 2013. Roten Fäden folgen - Kunst
Textil, Aarbergerhus, Hauptstrasse 19,
CH-2514 Ligerz BE
- 29
May to 13 October 2013 Ancestry and
Artistry: Maya textiles from Guatemala, Textile
Museum of Canada, Toronto, 55 Centre
Avenue, CA Toronto, ON M5G 2H5. Tel.:
(416) 599 5321 Guatemala is well known for the
richness of its indigenous Maya culture, and the
Museum has examples of highly elaborate clothing
and accessories from a variety of communities
throughout the region. They will be displayed
alongside material from international museum
collections and contemporary artwork by
Guatemalan artists. -
- 12
April to 13 October 2013 Out of Southeast
Asia: Art That Sustains The
Textile Museum, 2320 S Street NW,
USA Washington DC 20008-4088 Tel.:
(+1) 202 667 0441
- 6
June 2013 to 6 October 2014. From Philadelphia to
Monaco: Grace Kelly - Beyond the Icon. McCord
Museum, 690 Sherbrooke Street West, CA
Montreal, Québec H3A 1E9
Tel.: 514 398 7100 -
- 2nd
March to 6 October 2013 Nello Splendore
Mediceo - Papa Leone X e Firenze (Amid
Medici) Splendour - Pope Leo X in Florence)
Medici chapels. St. Lorenzo Church, Florence,
Italy Panel texts are bilingual Italian
and English.
614 page catalogue, all in
Italian, edited by Nicoletta Baldini and
Monica Bietti covers Giovanni de'
Medici's entire life-span (Florence 1475 - Rome
1521). Review by Rosalia Bonito
- until
6 October 2013 Luxury for Fashion Internationaler
Modeschmuck der Fior Collection London, Kunstbibliothek
der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin, Berlin - In
der Ausstellung werden rund 290 ausgewählten
Schmuckobjekte von etwa 120 originalen
Modefotografien der Sammlung Modebild -
Lipperheidesche Kostümbibliothek begleitet,
welche die Modetrends der einzelnen Dekaden von
1950 bis 1990 aufzeigen.
- 6
February to 13 October 2013 A Shot of Rhythm
and Colour. English textile Design of the late
19th Century. MAK - Austrian Museum of Applied
Arts / Contemporary Art, Stubenring 5,
A 1010 Wien , Tel.: (+43) 1
711360 info@mak.a -
- 26
April to 13 October 2013 Auf Tuchfühlung. 1000
Jahre Textilgeschichte in Ravensburg und am
Bodensee. 11:00-18:00 Uhr
- Museum Humpis-Quartier, Marktstraße
45, D-88212 Ravensburg, Germany, Eintritt:
4 EUR/ermäßigt 2,00 EUR/Kinder bis 18 Jahre
frei - - Der
Produktion von Leinwand und Barchent sowie dem
europaweiten Handel mit diesen Textilien verdankt
Ravensburg seinen Wohlstand im Mittelalter. Im
19. Jahrhundert war Ravensburg einer der
wichtigsten Standorte der Textilfabrikation im
Königreich Württemberg. Die Ausstellung widmet
sich der Erfolgsgeschichte des Ravensburger
Exportschlagers. see catalogue
- 26
June to 13 October 2013 Sonic Fabric, MAK
Museum für angewandte Kunst, Stubenring
5, A-1010 Wien
- 5
July to 13 October 2013 La mécanique des
dessous, une histoire indiscrète de la
silhouette, Musée des Arts Décoratifs,
Paris, Cette exposition propose
dexplorer la catégorie des dessous,
féminins et masculins, tels que la braguette
pour les messieurs, le corps à baleines, le
panier, le corset, la crinoline, le « faux cul
», le pouf, la ceinture destomac, le
soutien gorge, la gaine et autres échafaudages
vestimentaires qui façonnent le corps au moyen
de fanons de baleines, de cerceaux ou de coussins
selon les exigences dune mode établie.
- 27
to 29 September and 4 to 6 Oktober 2013 Regula Hahn
(1926-2011) , Gedenk- und
Verkaufs-Ausstellung, textile Werke, Bilder und
Objekte, im Museum am Pfäffikersee, Stoglenweg
2, CH-8330 Pfäffikon, Switzerland, Tel.
0041 44 950 42 80
- 10
August to 5 October 2013 Embroiderers Guild presents
Finest Stitches, Silk Museum,
Park Lane, (UK) Macclesfield,
Cheshire SK11 6TJ
- 17
March to September 2013 Der Kinder bunte
Kleider - Kinderkleidung aus eigener
Sammlung, Deutsches Textilmuseum,
Andreasmarkt 8, D-47809 Krefeld, Germany,
- 15
December 2012 to 29 September 2013 Rough, TextielMuseum,
Goirkestraat 96, NL-5046 GN Tilburg -
- until
2 June
29 September 2013 Histoire de fils, Cité
internationale de la dentelle et de la mode de
Calais, Calais . Histoire
de fils
(History of threads) unveils
the astonishing artistic fortune of lace in
contemporary creation. This new installation
gives carte-blanche to the tapestry section of
the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Brussels
(ARBA-ESA). By both experienced professionals and
up-and-coming creators alike, these works of art
are all committed to lifting lace out of its
traditional field of application in the clothing
and furnishing industries to examine its identity
from new angles.
- 30
June to 22 September 2013. Impressionism,
Fashion, and Modernity - The Art Institute of
Chicago, 111 South Michigan Avenue, USA
Chicago, Illinois 60603-6404, Tel: (+1) 312
443 3600 -
- 4
May to 22 September 2013 "Impressions
Dior" Dior and impressionism - Christian
Dior Museum - Villa "Les
Rhumbs", Jardin Christian Dior, F -
50400 Granville -
Info-Tel. +33 (0) 233 61 48 21, Fax +33 (0) 233
61 99 15 - Mounted in Villa Les
Rhumbs in Granville, where Christian Dior spent
his childhood.
- 8
June to 15 September 2013 Eyes on nature: Wall
hangings, TextielMuseum, Goirkestraat
96, NL-5046 GN Tilburg, Netherlands,
- until
15 September 2013 Schoolbags
The history of the schoolbag The Museum
of Bags and Purses, Herengracht 573, NL
1017 CD Amsterdam Tel.: (+ 31) 20
524 64 52
- 25
January to 15 September 2013 GESCHMACKSACHE. Mode
der 1970er-Jahre, Slg. Mode/Textilien, Münchner
Stadtmuseum, St.-Jakobs-Platz 1, D-80331
- 9
June to 8 September 2013 Henry van de Velde
und Edvard Munch in Chemnitz, Städtische
Kunstsammlungen, Theaterplatz 1, D-09111
Chemnitz Germany;
- until
2 September 2013 Shine, Textile Museum of
Canada, Toronto. The exhibition features
an array of exquisite traditional garments and
accessories from the Museums permanent
collections integrated with the work of
contemporary artists -
- 28
June to 1 September 2013 9th International
Baltic Minitextile Triennial, Museum Miasta
Gdyni, ul. Zawiszy Czarnego 1,
PL-81374 Gdynia, Poland
- Marialuisa
Sponga annnounces 2 exhibitions, one in
USA and one in the Netherland, where one of her
works has been selected -
- Marialuisa
Sponga: -
- Venezia, 1 June to
20 August:
Beyond the mystical landscape, Isola di San
Francesco del Deserto (55th Exhibition of
Biennale di Venezia 2013)
- Texas A & M University, Texas, USA,
23 May to 18 August 2013, J.Wayne Stark Galleries,
Beyond Comfort
- 21
June to 1 September 2013 Lo sguardo
laterale. Moroso, une recherche entre
Arts décoratifs et Design with
catalogue. musée des Tissus et des Arts
décoratifs, 34 rue de la Charité,
F 69002 Lyon Tel.: (+33) 4 7838
4200 -
- 10
August to 1 September 2013 Diplomausstellung,
Ausbildung Garndesign, students: Jolanda
Ehrenbolger, Vreni Fürst, Kathrin Kocher, Asita
Krebs, Esther Monaco, Mona Pilliod, Dorothee
Trayser, Zürcher Stalder AG, Gewerbestrasse
9, CH-3421 Lyssach (train station:
Kirchberg/Alchenflüh), Switzerland,
Mo - Fr 9am - 12am, 1.30 pm - 5 pm, Sa -
So 2 pm - 5 pm
- 27
September 2012 extended to 1 September 2013 Scheich Ibrahims Traum, Schätze
aus der Textil- und Schmucksammlung
von Widad Kamel Kawar. Historisches
Museum Basel, Switzerland, im Haus zum
Kirschgarten, Elisabethenstrasse 27/29, 4000
Basel, Switzerland (Direktion & Verwaltung,
Steinenberg 4. CH - 4051 Basel). T +41 (0)61 205
86 00, F +41 (0)61 205 68 01, -
- until
31 August 2013 Brüechli. Schmuckstück
der Innerrhoder Frauentracht, Museum
Appenzell, Hauptgasse 4, CH-9050 Appenzell
- 10
April to 25 August 2013 A cultural history
of bags, from the museums
collection, with catalogue, Bayerisches
Nationalmuseum, Prinzregentenstraße 3, D
80538 München
Tel.: (+49) 89 2112 401 -
- 17
to 18 August 2013 Special Events in Gandersheim,
Brunshausen 7, D-37581 Bad Gandersheim, Germany
Lectures and special guided tours:
- Historic textiles from the collections of
Gandersheim from 8th to 18th c.
- On the gallery of the convent's church there
will be demonstrations of the vestment workshop
of the foundation "von Veltheim at the
convent St. Marienberg" in
Helmstedt Germany with lectures
- 15
May to 18 August 2013 Search for the
Unicorn. An Exhibition in Honor of The
Cloisters 75 th Anniversary The
Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1000 Fifth
Avenue, USA New York, NY
10028-0198 Tel.: (+1) 212 535 7710
- 19
April to 18 August 2013 Fiberart
International 2013, Fiberart
International, P.O. Box 5478, (USA)
Pittsburgh PA 15206-0478 -
- until
18 August 2013. Hats Off! McCord Museum, 690
Sherbrooke Street West, CA Montreal,
Québec H3A 1E9. Tel.: 514 398 7100 -
- 9
November 2012 to 18 August 2013 A feast of fabrics,
Musée de lImpression sur Etoffes, 14,
Rue Jean Jacques Henner , F-68072
Mulhouse -
- 9
May to 11 August 2013 PUNK : Chaos to
Couture - The Metropolitan Museum of Art , The
Metropolitan Museum of Art , 1000 Fifth
Avenue, New York, NY 10028 , Info:
- until
11 August 2013 Silk & Prints from the
Abraham Archive - Couture in Colour, Modemuseum
During the 1950s and 1960s, the famous couturiers
Christian Dior, Hubert de Givenchy, Yves Saint
Laurent and Cristóbal Balenciaga all worked
together with the Swiss firm, Abraham, for their
exclusive fabrics. This company was specialized
in printing silks. Abraham was forced to close
its doors in 2002, but left an impressive
collection of sample books, couture photographs
and textiles: the Abraham archives.
- 5
July to 4 August 2013 Spitzfindigkeiten -
Klöppelarbeiten von Uta Ulrich, Kurgastzentrum,
Parkstsr. 17, D-32805 Horn-Bad Meinberg, Germany,
- 14
July to 26 July 2013 The
Plain-Stripe-Check-Project, Arbeiten von Tim
Parry-Williams u. Ikuko Ida, Textiles
Zentrum Haslach, Steinmühle 4, A-4170
Haslach, Austria -
- until
14 July 2013 Resplendent Dress from
Southeastern Europe: A History in Layers
Fowler Museum at UCLA, Los
Angeles, USA,
- Marialuisa
Sponga: - - Firenze,
26 May to 14 July, Palazzo dei Vicari, Museo
dei Ferri Taglienti, Scarperia, Firenze. Sul filo
della lama: l'arte, il fuoco, la libertà della
scelta a cura di Silvana Nota
- 1
June to 20 July 2013 Sue
Rangeley presents Fashioned with
Stitch, Silk Museum, Park Lane,
(UK) Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 6TJ,
- 4
May to 7 July 2013 Light and Line / Anne
Morrell and Polly Binns, Nottingham
Castle, Friar Lane, (UK)
Nottingham, email:
- 1
April to 7 July 2013 Reiz & Scham, Kleider,
Körper & Dessous 150 Jahre zwischen Anstand
und Erotik, Chemnitz, Sächsisches
Industriemuseum, Zwickauer Straße 119, D-09112
fon: 0371 3676-140 fax: 0371 3676-141
e-mail: -
- 3
February to 31 June 2013 Muster-Meister der
Seidenstadt- "Haus der
Seidenkultur", The historic weaving mill of
Hubert Gotzes, Luisenstrasse 15, in D-47799
Krefeld, Germany
- until
29 June 2013 Stitched into Life: work
by Naomi Ryder , Muir Trust Artist in Residence
2013. See the delightful portraits created by
Naomi Ryder during her residency at the Museum. Buckinghamshire
County Museum, Church Street, Aylesbury, HP20 2QP -
Tel: 01296 331441 Email:
- until
6 July 2013 Splendid Stitches &
Exotic Embroidery exhibition: a treasure
house of textiles. Sumptuous embroideries and
textiles selected from rarely seen treasures from
three collections: the Embroiderers Guild,
the County Museums Buckinghamshire
collections and a rare 17th century group in the
care of the National Trust at Claydon. Buckinghamshire
County Museum, Church Street, Aylesbury, HP20 2QP -
Tel: 01296 331441 Email:
Text relay: 18001 01296 331441
Museum Opening Times until 3 November
2013: Tuesday to Saturday 10am - 5pm
Special openings: open 10am -
5pm on the following Bank Holidays and Mondays:
27 May, 22, 29 July, 5, 12, 19, 26 August, 2
September, 28 October.
- 23
May to 30 June 2013. Seide statt Sünde. Feierliche
Kleidung zur Vorbereitung auf den Gottesdienst. Museum
Schnütgen Cäcilienstr. 29 - D-33
50667 Köln. Seltene kirchliche
Gewänder des 14. und 15. Jahrhunderts. Die eindrucksvollen
Gewänder und erlesenen Schatzkunstobjekte laden
dazu ein, dem mittelalterlichen Kleriker bei
seiner spirituellen Verwandlung zu folgen. Zu den
Höhepunkten der Präsentation zählen eine
Gruppe zarter weißer Untergewänder eines
Geistlichen aus dem 14. Jahrhundert und zwei
reich verzierte, leuchtend blaue Festkleider.
- until
30 June 2014 Les Dessous de
lIsère, at the Musée
dauphinois, Grenoble (France), with
publication: Une histoire de la lingerie
féminine / The underwear of Isère. A story of
womens lingerie Édition Libel
(Lyon, France), 144 pages, 150 illustrations
(coloured and black and white) ISBN:
978-2-917659-29-8 -
- 23
May to 30 June 2013. SUAVE 5, International Juried
Textile Accesories Triennial, taking place from mid May
until the end of June in Madrid. The Asociación
de Creadores Textiles de Madrid, ACTM, is
organizing SUAVE 5, an international
juried exhibition of textile fashion complements:
bags, caps, fans, foulards, gloves, hats,
headdresses, jewelry, mittens, parasols, scarves,
shawls, shoes, ties, turbans, umbrellas.......
Excluding costumes and garments, everything that
can be worn and bear some relation to textiles
because of the techniques and/or materials
employed or through the underlying concept, can
apply for this fifth edition.
Asociación de
Creadores Textiles de Madrid , Apartado de
Correos 14.060, E-28080 Madrid, Spain.
Tel. +34 91 8010907 - 658 059627 - Fax 91 8010415
- -
- Marialuisa
Sponga: -
- France, Saint Jean de Luz, 9
Biennale Internazionale di Arte Tessile, 30-31 May,
1-2 June 2013 (L'Equipe
de Quilt en Sud) -
- until
17 June 2013 More than just Fashion
the Katarina Noever Collection, Wien
Museum, Wien - A fashion collection as
a document of Viennese avantgarde lifestyle since
the 1960s. At the time Katarina Noever was a top
model who wore the creations of the Boutique
Etoile, bringing a breathe of fresh air to
- 21
February to 23 June 2013 Indiennes
sublimes, Musée de la Toile de Jouy, 54,
rue Charles de Gaulle, F-78350
Jouy-en-Josas -
- 8
March to 9 June 2013 Passionen
einer eleganten Dame, Museum für
Ostasiatische Kunst, Takustr. 40, D-14195
Berlin; venue: Galerien Japanische
Malerei und Religiöse Kunst Ostasiens -
- 30
May to 2 June 2013.
2013, First Encounter of Textile Crafts,
at the Museo del Traje, Madrid, held in the frame
of the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the
association Asociación de Creadores Textiles de
Madrid, ACTM
- 3
March to 31 Mai 2013 Chinesische
Stickerei, embroidery Museum De Kantfabriek, Americaanseweg
8, NL-5961 GP Horst
- 26
February to 27 May 2013 Impressionism, Fashion,
and Modernity, The Metropolitan Museum of
Art , The Metropolitan Museum of Art , 1000
Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10028 , Info:
- December
2012 to May 2013 in Angers. 10th INT.
title of this Triennial is Trop de
toile ou pas. The maximum size
should not extend 12 x 12 x 12 cm. Information and the registration
form is available: Direction et
Conservation des musées d'Angers, Xe
Triennale Internationale des mini-textiles, 14
rue du musée, F-49100 Angers;
Tel: +3/241053800, e-mail:
Registration deadline: 30
June 2012
- 17
April to 2 June 2013 5th European Quilt
Triennale, Textilmuseum, St.Gallen, Vadianstrasse
2, CH-9000 St.Gallen, Switzerland. Tel.Nr:
++ (0)71 222 17 44, e-mail: - -
- 7
December 2012 to 26 May 2013 Ottoman
embroideries: ... skill of the hand,
delight of the eye, Sadberk Hanim
Müzesi, Piyasa Cad. No. 25-29, TR-80890
- until
19 May 2013 Ballet & Fashion,
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne
Ballet & Fashion is a joint project between
The Australian Ballet and the NGV (National
Gallery of Victoria) that showcases some of the
most successful collaborations between fashion
designers and dance companies over the past three
- 4
May to 19 May 2013 Lateinamerika - Passion
einer Familie, Fotografien & Textilien, Guatemala,
von Inger Janson, aus den späten 60er und 70er
Jahren, Kornschütte, Kornmarkt
3, 6004 Luzern, Switzerland
Inger Janson setzte sich in Guatemala im
Textilmuseum Museo Ixchel del Traje Idigena ein,
traditionelle, handgefertigte Textilien der
verschiedenen Regionen und Dörfer Guatemalas
zusammenzutragen. Sie sammelte damals, was in der
heutigen Zeit kaum noch hergestellt und getragen
wird, da die Tradition weitgehend
insbesondere nach dem grossen Erdbeben von 1976
dem industriellen Kleidungsstil gewichen
- 4
December to 18 May 2013 Fashion &
Technology, New York (USA), The Museum at FIT, Seventh
Avenue at 27th Street, New York
10001-5992 . Info:
- 23
April until 18 Mai 2013 Naomi Ryder:
textile artist Muir Trust Artist in Residence. Discover
Naomi Ryder's dynamic and original use of stitch
during her Residency at the County Museum. See
her at work during open studios on 24 April,
1, 8, 15 May, 1pm - 5pm.
- until
18 Mai 2013 Splendid Samplers &
Smocks exhibition, Buckinghamshire
County Museum, Church Street, Aylesbury, HP20 2QP -
Tel: 01296 331441 Email:
- 21
September 2012 to 8 May 2013 The Sultan's
Garden: The Blossoming of Ottoman Art Textile
Museum Washington, 2320 S Street, DC
20008 USA -
- 26
October to 6 Mai 2013 "L'autre
Jean" Saint Etienne Métropole, la
direction du Musée d'Art et d'Industrie.
Et Marithé et François Girbaud au
Musée d'art et d'industrie de
Saint-Etienne 2, Place louis Combe F-42026
Saint-Etienne, France, Cedex 1
- 14
November 2012 to 1 May 2013 aktuelle
Textilkreationen der Saison, Textilmuseum
St.Gallen, Vadianstrasse 2, CH-9000
St.Gallen, Switzerland.
- 30
July 2012 to 30 April 2013 Love Lace,
Powerhouse Museum, Decorative Arts &
Design, 500 Harris Street, Haymarket, AUS-1238
Sydney NSW 1238;
- 13
February to 28 April 2013 Folk Indian
Textiles from the collection of Carol
Summers, San Jose Museum of Quilts &
Textiles, 520 South First Street,
San Jose, CA 95113 -
- 9
February to 28 April 2013 Intl. textile
exhibition Stitch, Karmelklooster, Burgermeester
Wuiteweg 169, NL-9203 KP Drachten,
- 16
September to 28 April 2013 Leben und Tod im
alten Peru, Kultur- und
Stadthistorisches Museum Duisburg, Johannes-Corputius-Platz
1, D-47051 Duisburg, Germany, further
- 8
March to 28 April 2013 100 Jahre
Margareten Spitze, Leben und Werk von
Margarete Naumann (18881-1946), Vogtlandmuseum
Plauen, Nobelstrasse 9.13, D-08523 Plauen,
Tel.++ 03741 2912410, - e-mail
- 16
January to 28 April 2013 Plein les yeux! Le
spectacle de la mode, Eye-catching
Renaissance ruffs, corsets that pull in the
waist, impressive dresses with panniers or
crinoline, brightly sparkling embroidery ...
These dress codes have been passed down the
centuries and are still being given a fresh
interpretation even today. Cité
internationald de la dentelle et de la mode de
Calais, 135 quai du Commerce,
62100 Calais France - T. 33 (0)3 21 00
42 30
A bilingual 120-page book in French and English
has been published on the exhibition. The whole
cultural programme associated with the exhibition
can be found at:
open daily, except on Tuesdays, from 10 a.m.
to 6 p.m. from 01/04 to 31/10 and from 10 a.m. to
5 p.m. from 01/11 to 31/03. Annual closing from
1st to 15th January, on 1st May and Christmas
- 6
October 2012 to 21 April 2013 Inspired by...
2012, art, craft and design, Victoria
& Albert Museum, Cromwell Road,
South Kensington, (UK) London SW7 2RL, -
- 14
February to 21 April 2013 Social fabric - African
textiles today, British Museum, Great
Russell Street, (UK) London WC1B 3DG -
- 22
December 2012 to 7 April 2013 Le vesti di
sempre, gli abiti delle mummie di
Roccapelago e Monsampolo del Tronto, at museo Civico
d'Arte - Palazzo dei Musei, Largo Porta
Sant'Agostine 337 - I-41121 Modena
(Italy), Tel +39 059 2033101/25, Fax +39
059 2033110, with catalogue, Laura Carlini,
responsabile servizio musei e beni culturali -
ISBN 9788897281061 - 31 pages with many
photographs. -
- 15
December 2012 to 14 April 2013 Highlights TextielLab:
OMA, TextielMuseum, Goirkestraat
96, NL-5046 GN Tilburg,
- 20
January to 7 April 2013 European
Quilt-Triennial 2012, Kreismuseum Zons, Schlossstr.
1, D-41541 Dormagen-Zons,
- 17
March to 7 April 2013 Ursula Jaeger &
Hanno Uthmann: Bildgewebe, Torhaus,
Wellingsbüttler Weg 75 b, D-22391
- 13
December 2012 to 14 April 2013 Fashioning
Fashion, deux siècles de mode
européenne - 1700-1915. Les Arts Décoratifs,
107 rue de Rivoli, 75001 Paris -
catalogue 224 pages, 270 illustrations,
Français, Relié sous jaquette, ISBN :
978-3-7913-5288-6 - Euro 55. -Tél. : ++ 01 44 55
57 50
- 6
February to 7 April 2013
"Viecher" - Tierdarstellungen
auf Textilien, Textilmuseum, St.Gallen,
Vadianstrasse 2, CH-9000 St.Gallen, Switzerland. Tel.Nr:
++ (0)71 222 17 44, e-mail: - - guided tour: Thursday
14 February 2013, 6.30 pm, and Sunday 24 March
2013, 11 am.
- 25
to 30 March 2013 Fleuriste Haute Couture avec
Bruno Legeron, Conservatoire de
la Broderie Perlée, Château des Ducs de
Lorraine, 6 Rue Mique/P.O. Box 117,
F-54304 Lunéville Cedex -
- until
17 March 2013, Lyons and Dragons, Lyons,
France, enamelled plaques of the silk
dessiccators from the Condition des Soies, Musées
des Tissus et des arts décoratifs de Lyon, 34 rue de la Charité
F-69002 Lyon, France, Tél. + 33 (0)4 78 38 42 00
- Telecopy : + 33 (0)4 72 40 25 12 - Mél. :
- 21
September to 10 March 2013 The Sultan's
Garden: The Blossoming of Ottoman Art, The
Textile Museum Washington DC, USA 2320
S Street, 20008 USA - display of Ottoman
pieces reflecting the wealth, abundance, and
influence of an empire which spanned seven
centuries and, at its height, three continents. The
Museum is in close proximity to two major
Washington thoroughfares - Massachusetts
Avenue and Connecticut Avenue. There is limited
on-street parking near the Museum as it is
located in a residential and diplomatic
- 20
September 2012 to 10 March 2013 Schuhtick Vom
Ötzi-Schuh zum High Heel,
LVR-LandesMuseum Bonn, Colmantstr.
14-16, 53115 Bonn ,
- 18
January to 24 February 2013 Durch das
Pfauenauge, Kunst Raum Riehen, Im
Berowergut, Baselstrasse 71, CH-4125
Riehen Switzerland , Wednesday to Friday
1 am to 6 pm, Saturday, Sunday 11am to 6 pm
- 12
September 2012 to 10 February 2013 Madame Grès, (fashion)
Mode Museum Provincie Antwerpen,
Nationalestraat 28, B-2000 Antwerpen
- 21
October to 17 February 2013 Schouder aan
Schouder / Auf Tuchfühlung (textiles),
Museum De Kantfabriek, Americaanseweg 8,
NL-5961 GP Horst, Netherlands,
- 23
September 2012 to 3 February 2013 European Art Quilts VII. Deutsches
Textilmuseum Krefeld, Andreasmarkt 8,
D-47809 Krefeld Germany.
- 3
to 6 February 201 European Fashion Award -
FASH 2013, Messe, München, Stiftung der
Deutschen Bekleidungsindustrie, Die prämierten
Arbeiten werden auf der ISPO MUNICH 2013
vom 3. bis 6. Februar 2013 in einer
Ausstellung sowie einer Preisverleihung
präsentiert. Info:
- 28
October to 3 February 2013 Die Kleider des
Klerus, Städtisches Kramer-Museum, Burgstr.
19, D-47906, Kempen, Germany
- 28
September to 20 January 2013 The European
Renaissance and the Ottoman Influences, Palais
des Beaux-Arts, Rue Ravenstein 23,
B-1000 Bruxelles;
- 20
October to 20 January 2013 Glanz der Kaiser
von China: Kunst und Leben in der
Verbotenen Stadt, Museum für
Ostasiatische Kunst, Universitätsstr.
100, D-50674 Köln
- 26
April to 20 January 13 Schimmernde
Alltagskleider - Indigo, Glanz &
Falten, (Iridescent Everyday Wear -
Indigo, Luster and Pleats) Museum der
Kulturen, Augustinergasse 2, CH-4051
Basel, Switzerland,
- 21
November to 19 January 2013 Light and Line /
Anne Morrell and Polly Binns, Design
Centre, 11 Shambes Street, (UK) Barnsley
S70 0JS; e-mail:
- 6
October to 13 January 2013 dans le cadre de
Lille 3000, une remarquable exposition d'art
contemporain PHANTASIA TRI POSTAL, Lille
centre Exposition d'oeuvres d'une dizaine
d'artistes dont des pièces textiles de Nick
CAVE, Claire MORGAN, Marnie
- 9
September 2012 to 6 January 2013 5th European Quilt
Triennial 2012,,Textilmuseum Max Berk,
Kurpfälzisches Museum der Stadt Heidelberg,
Brahmsstr. 8, D-69118 Heidelberg-Ziegelhausen,
Die Textilsammlung Max Berk · Kurpfälzisches
Museum der Stadt Heidelberg veranstaltet die
fünfte Europäische Quilt-Triennale, die im
Anschluss im Kreismuseum Zons/Deutschland, im
Textilmuseum St. Gallen/Schweiz sowie beim
angesehenen Festival of Quilts in Birmingham/
England im August 2013 zu sehen sein wird;
weitere Ausstellungen im In- und Ausland sind im
Gespräch. Deadline 12 February 2012
- 2
June to 6 January 2013 Ornament - Ausblick
auf die Moderne, Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg, Hollerplatz
1, D-38440 Wolfsburg, Germany -
- 17
November to 6 January 2013 Mixing Cultures , Valcellina
Award, La fabbrica, Via Carducci
113, I-47035 Gambettola/Prov.
Forli-Cesena, Italy-
- until
6 January 2013 Young Brides, Old Treasures:
Macedonian Embroidered Dress Museum of
International Folk Art, Santa Fe, New Mexico,
- 14
September 2012 to 5 January 2013 Ivy Style, Museum
at FIT, Seventh Ave. at 27th St.,
(USA) New York, NY 10001-5992
- 1
October 2012 to 6 January 2013 Young Brides, Old
Treasures: Macedonian Embroidered Dress,
Museum of International Folk Art, Museum of New
Mexico, Camino Leijo off Old Santa Fe
Trail, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505, USA
- 3
February 2012 to 6 January 2013 Dragons, Nagas and
Creatures of the Deep, Textile Museum
Washington, 2320 S Street, DC 20008 USA