Newsletter - of the CIETA Embroidery Group
Bulletin d’Information de Groupe Broderie de CIETA

Nr 50
Januay 2014

Rheinfelden, June 17th, 2014

Dear members,

This Newsletter can also be visited on the homepage, with links to the special entries. Additionally, as usual, I am sending a paper version to members without an e-mail address.
You are kindly requested to send contributions to the newsletter and to the website. As always, I will be very pleased to receive book reviews, information on exhibitions, conferences and other textile related events of interest to the members of the Embroidery Group.

I am happy to inform you that the 2nd edition of the vocabulary is now available at the Textile Museum St.Gallen. In the end of this letter you are going to find a short review.

Many thanks for your help, I am appreciating all your further information very much.

I wish you a very good summer time

yours Anne


I N F O R M A T I O N (see also section information)

General Information on Museums:

  • Forthcoming exhibition :  Opus Anglicanum at the V&A
    The Victoria and Albert Museum in London is planning to hold a major exhibition on English medieval embroidery, 
    Opus Anglicanum, in Autumn  2016. 
    For further information please contact Clare Browne
    Schweizerisches Landesmuseum, Sammlungszentrum / Collection Center
    Lindenmoosstrasse 1, CH - 8910 Affoltern a. Albis, Tel. : (+41) 44 762 13 13
    The Collection Centre is a vision turned into reality: the assembly under one roof of the Swiss National Museum's various collections, 
    together with the conservators' workshops and the laboratory for conservation research as well as storage management, lending, 
    object registration and the photo workshop. A library, a seminar room and workplaces for scholars and guests of the Swiss National
    Museum and other institutions are also available.

see the websites of:


  • 19 to 20 July 2014 - Webermarkt, weaving market, Textile Kultur Haslach, Austria, Stahlmühle 4, A-4170 Haslach
  • 9 to 18 August 2014 - 8. Pfrontener Trachtenmarkt, Traditional Dress, Kleidungskultur in Schwaben, Forschungs- und Beratungsstelle, Hürbener Str. 15 / Landauer-Haus, D-86381 Krumbach, Germany,
  • 6 to 7 September 2014 - 21. Gredinger Trachtenmarkt, Traditional Dress Market, Trachten und Kleidungskultur in Schwaben, Forschungs- und Beratungsstelle, Hürbener Str. 15 / Landauer-Haus, D-86381 Krumbach, Germany
  • 9 to 12 October 2014 - Great Northern Contemporary Craft Fair, Great Nothern Events, 23 Belfield Road, (UK) Didsbury, Manchester M20 6BJ -
  • 24 to 26 October 2014 - Grassimesse 2014, craft fair, GRASSI Museum für Angewandte Kunst, Johannisplatz 5-11, D-04103 Leipzig,


  • Textilmuseum St.Gallen Switzerland, Lounge of Textilmuseum:
    23. Oktober 2014, 18.30 Uhr : Bettina Richter, Kuratorin am Museum für Gestaltung Zürich
    20. November 2014, 18.30 Uhr : Ulrike Landfester, Prorektorin der Universität St.Gallen
    4. Dezember 2014, 18.30 Uhr : Urs Hochuli, Reise eines Schweizer Entwerfers
  • MODE THEMA MODE Vortragsreihe - Kunstbibliothek, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
    Sammlung Modebild - Lipperheidesche Kostümbibliothek
    Information: Tel. 030/266 - 42 30 40 - Information and Abstracts
    Mi /
    2 July 2014 / 18 Uhr: "Ein Perlontraum aus Heidelberg. Die westdeutsche Feinstrumpfindustrie zwischen 1945 und 1980" Referentin: Michaela Breil, tim, Staatliches Textil- und Industriemuseum, Augsburg
    Ort: Vortragssaal am Kulturforum, Matthäikirchplatz, 10785 Berlin
    Kosten: keine
    Informationen unter:

other events :

  • The European Fashion Portal became available to the public for the first time on 13 Dec. 2013. It allows everyone to discover hundreds of thousands of fashion items from 19 leading European fashion and costume institutions in one single website with a blog. Users are asked to help improve this portal by sending their feedback!
    The Europeana
    Fashion Project has started in March 2012 and will end in February 2015.
  • The Textile Society of America is pleased to announce - TEXTILES CLOSE UP
    Textiles Close Up is an exciting new series of study-workshops that will provide opportunities to examine first hand, textiles in leading museum and private collections, guided by renowned experts.
    Offered in different locations and scheduled periodically throughout the year,Textiles Close Up will be of particular interest to curators, art historians, educators, students, fiber artists, collectors of textiles and others interested in learning first-hand from close-up examination.
    For further details and registration information, please visit:
    Michele A. Hardy, PhD, External Relations Director , Textile Society of America
  • new Book Project: Passion Filz. There are no registration costs so we advise all quilters to have a look at the website Ellen Bakker has already produced two such books on Dutch felt and textile art. Contact:



E X H I B I T I O N S: (see also section exhibition)

forthcoming exhibitions:

  • 1 July to 23 August ATA: Small format tapestry 2014 ‘Untitled tapestry’, American Tapestry Alliance (ATA), P.O. Box 28600, (USA) San Jose, CA 95159-8600;
  • 8 July to 23 August 2014. ATA: Small format tapestry 2014 ‘Untitled tapestry’, American Tapestry Alliance (ATA), P.O. Box 28600, (USA) San Jose, CA 95159-8600;
  • 13 July 2014 to 8 March 2015. Fashion Talks, Gewerbemuseum Winterthur,
  • 23 August to 16 November 2014 Sophie Taeuber-Arp, Today is Tomorrow, Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aargauerplatz, CH-5001 Aarau, Switzerland, -
  • 13 September 2014 to 4 January 2015 TSA’s exhibition will coincide with TSA's 14th Biennial Symposium. At Craft & Folk Art Museum, Los Angeles New Directions: Examining the Past, Creating the Future
    he application process is open to those whose practice draws on textile materials, techniques, or knowledge, widely defined. Applicants must be TSA members, as is true for all symposium presenters, but anyone is welcome to join TSA at the time of application. For further information and submission forms, visit deadline: 1 January 2014
  • 19 September 2014 to 18 January 2015. Krawatten, cravats, Schweizerisches Nationalmuseum, Landesmuseum Zürich, Museumstr. 2, Postfach, CH-8021 Zürich -
  • 10 October to 11 November 2014. Crafting Textiles from the Bronze Age to AD 1600: A tribute to Peter Collingwood, Wellcome Collection, Early Textiles Study Group, 183 Euston RD, (UK) London NW1 2BE -
  • 10 October to 22 November 2014. Kunsthandwerkerinnen heute - female craftmakers today - Bayerischer Kunstgewerbeverein e.V., Galerie für angewandte Kunst, Pacellistr. 6-8, D-80333 München -
  • Autumn 2016 Opus Anglicum, English medieval embroidery, Victoria & Albert Museum, Cromwell Road, South Kensington, (UK) London SW7 2RL
  • current Exhibitions:

  • 27 April to 9 November 2014. Hülle und Zier, Mittelalterliche Textilien im Reliquienkult, Medieval textiles and the cult of relics, Abegg-Stiftung, Textil-Museum, Werner-Abegg- Str. 67, CH-3132 Riggisberg -
  • 11 April to 28 September 2014. Papiers découpés. Scherenschnitte. Silhouette. Paper cuts, Schweizerisches Nationalmuseum, Landesmuseum Zürich/Bibliothek, Museumstr. 2, Postfach, CH-8021 Zürich -
  • 23 March to 31 December 2014. Fleur de cerisier & edelweiss – l´exotique s´importe, Museum of textiles St. Gallen A l´occasion du 150e anniversaire des relations diplomatiques entre le Japon et la Suisse, le Musée du textile de St Gall présente l´exposition « Fleur de cerisier & edelweiss – l´exotique s´importe » consacrée à l´influence exercée par l´Asie sur la production textile suisse.
    Ein faszinierendes Kapitel der Textilgeschichte beginnt im Jahr 1859 als St. Galler Kaufleute eine erste Erkundungsreise nach Ostasien initiieren. Gilt das Interesse zunächst der Erschliessung neuer Absatzmärkte, so entwickelt sich in Folge ein reger Kulturaustausch zwischen Japan, China und der Schweiz, der die hiesige Textilproduktion ab 1870 mit Einsetzen des „Asienfiebers“ massgeblich beeinflusst. Kimonos, Katagamis, Holzschnitte, Zeichnungen, Musterbücher und andere Objekte aus der reichen Asiatika-Sammlung des Museums zeigen das Aufeinandertreffen dreier hochentwickelter Textilregionen, die vollkommen unterschiedlichen künstlerischen Traditionen anhängen.
  • France:

  • until 12 October 2014. Folie Textile. Mode et décoration sous le Second Empire. Musée de l'Impression sur Etoffes, Mulhouse - Le Second Empire (1852-1870) est une période faste dans le domaine du textile, tant pour l’habillement que pour la décoration intérieure.
  • until 12 October 2014 Promenade parisienne - Le Musée de l'Impression sur Etoffes, Mulhouse en collaboration avec le Conservatoire de la Maison Hermès et le Musée privé Emile Hermès. La période du Second Empire ouvre en France une ère de prospérité et de transformations dans de nombreux domaines. A cette occasion, nous avons invité la maison Hermès à nous accompagner. Exceptionnellement, elle a accepté d’ouvrir son Musée Privé du 24 Faubourg Saint Honoré.
    Rassemblée par Emile Hermès (1871-1951), la collection regroupe de nombreux objets Second Empire consacrés au cheval et au voyage. En 1837, Thierry Hermès, né à Krefeld en Allemagne, ouvre un atelier de bourrelier et de sellier, rue Basse-du-Rempart, près de l'église de la Madeleine, à Paris.
  • Germany, Saarland, Austria:

    • 22 June to 14 December 2014. Das Föhr Reef und andere gehäkelte Phänomene, Deutsches Textilmuseum, Andreasmarkt 8, D-47809 Krefeld Germany,
      Auf der Insel Föhr trugen 700 Personen zu dem einzigartigen gehäkelten Korallenriff bei. Sie schufen gemeinsam ein riesiges und farbenfrohes Objekt, das den Kern der Ausstellung am Deutschen Texilmuseum bildet. Im Schatten des Objekes finden Häkelworkshops, Autorenlesungen und Vorträge zu Meeresbiologie statt.
    • 12 Juni to 5 October 2014 Das Pepita-Virus - Das Pepita-Stoffmuster erlebt zurzeit eine Renaissance in vielen Modekollektionen, von Haute Couture bis zu internationalen Modeketten.
      Museum Tuch + Technik, Kleinflecken 1 - D-24534 Neumünster Deutschland - 04321 - 559 58 0
    • May 2014 to October 2015. German Hosiery Dynasties – Entrepreneurs, Strategies, Fashions. tim - State Textile and Industry Museum Augsburg. About the industry behind the production of delicate nylon stockings and comfortable socks: Who are the entrepreneurs who have defined the German hosiery industry? What were the working conditions like for labourers in this sector? What are the secret codes of aesthetic, seductive advertising? What fascinating technology is behind the production of stitches? The Exhibition in the State Textile and Industry Museum Augsburg (tim) tells the eventful story of Germany's greatest hosiery dynasties.
    • until the end of 2016 Permanent Carpet Gallery, MAK Museum für angewandte Kunst, Stubenring 5, A-1010 Wien
    • 4 April to 17 August 2014. Konzepte in Stoff. 22 Textile Positionen, - textile Art (Quiltkunst e.V.) LWL-Industriemuseum, TextilWerk Bocholt, Uhlandstr. 50, D-46397 Bocholt, Germany
    • 9 October 2013 to 12 October 2014. Pae White - Orllegro, jacquard tapestry - MAK Museum für angewandte Kunst, Stubenring 5, A-1010 Wien -
    • 23 May to 24 August 2014. Seide statt Sünde. Feierliche Kleidung zur Vorbereitung auf den Gottesdienst. Museum Schnütgen Cäcilienstr. 29 - D-33 50667 Köln. Seltene kirchliche Gewänder des 14. und 15. Jahrhunderts. Die eindrucksvollen Gewänder und erlesenen Schatzkunstobjekte laden dazu ein, dem mittelalterlichen Kleriker bei seiner spirituellen Verwandlung zu folgen. Zu den Höhepunkten der Präsentation zählen eine Gruppe zarter weißer Untergewänder eines Geistlichen aus dem 14. Jahrhundert und zwei reich verzierte, leuchtend blaue Festkleider.
    • The museum at the Kulturforum will remain closed until the end of 2014. It's reopening show will be "European Fashion from 1700 to the Present" in its "Fashion Gallery".
      Once it has reopened, the Kunstgewerbemuseum will offer visitors a comprehensive presentation across two floors of the museum, featuring the great accomplishments of European design and the decorative arts spanning the Middle Ages, Renaissance, Baroque and Rococo periods to Jugendstil and Art Deco. An entire exhibition space will be dedicated to classic design. Visitors can also expect a newly organised gallery of fashion with an extensive exhibition of costumes and accessories from the 18th to 20th century.


    • 24 May to 14 September 2014 The Wonder of Birds - The Wonder of Birds will explore the cultural impact of birds upon mankind. Eliciting a wide range of emotions from awe to fear, and from pleasure to cruelty, birds have intrigued humanity since the earliest of times
      Norwich Castle Museum & Art Gallery - Castle Meadow, Norwich, NR1 3JU UK
    • 14 March to 20 July 2014. in Fine Style: The Art of Tudor and Stuart Fashion Edinburg (UK), Palace of Holyroodhouse Canongate The Royal Mile, EH8 8DX EH8 8DX
      For the Tudor and Stuart elite, luxurious clothing was an essential component of court life. Garments and accessories–and the way in which they were worn–conveyed important messages about wealth, gender, age, social position, marital status and religion. Through the evidence of portraiture, In Fine Style: The Art of Tudor and Stuart Fashion traces changing tastes in fashionable attire in Great Britain in the 16th and 17th centuries. Using paintings, drawings and miniatures from the Royal Collection, and a number of rare surviving examples of clothing and accessories, it explores the style of the rich and famous of the Tudor and Stuart periods.
    • 12 March to 2 November 2014. The Colourful World of Kaffe Fassett, The American Museum in Bristain, Somerset BA2 7BD
    • 1 January to 31 July 2014. Samplers, Royal School of Needlework, Hampton Court Palace, East Molesey, Surrey KT8 9AU

    Netherlands, Belgium:

  • 1 March to 5 September 2014 Expedition Silk Road, Hermitage Amsterdam, P.O. Box 11675, NL-1001 GR Amsterdam -
  • 20 March to 24 July Birds of Paradise, Mode Museum Provincie Antwerpen, Nationalestraat 28, B-2000 Antwerpen, Belgium -
  • 23 March to 28 September Traditie ontmoet Toekomst, Tradition meets the Future - Museum de Kantfabriek, Marcella Dings, Americaansweg 8, NL-5961 GP Horst, Netherland - Tel. +31 77 398 1650 - E-mail:
  • Scandinavia:

    • until 31 August 2014 Stripes, rhythm, direction. A tour of all things striped , Nordiska Museet, Stockholm. Stripes, rhythm, direction is an exhibition in two parts. In the big hall, you will see both everyday stripes and more exclusive stripes, new and old stripes, lengthwise and crosswise stripes, stripes from lots of different perspectives. The adjacent gallery is presenting a display of several hundred striped objects from Nordiska museet collections dating back to the 18th century.


  • 17 May to 31 July 2014. Indigo, a world tour, Blueprint Museum, Március 15, tér 12, H-8500 Pápa (Hungary) - -
  • 7 May to 31 October 2014. Emilio Pucci e Como, Fondazione Antonio Ratti, Museo Studio del Tessuto, Via Cernobbio 19, Villa Sucota, I-22100 Como, Italia,
  • Russia, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Solvakia, Serbia:

    • new permanent exhibition, Golden Age of Pomerania. Art on the court of dukes of Pomerania in 16th and 17th cent. The most important for the history of costume is a collection of vestments and jewels taken from the graves of dukes of Pomerania. All of them underwent a thorough conservation.
      The very good and lovely catalogue was published together with the exhibition (bilingual Polish – German). It is possible to buy it in the Museum.
    • Virtual exhibition, Costumes of Russian Emperors and Empresses from the Moscow Kremlin funds Virtual exhibition, Moscow Kremlin Museums
      The display is organized according to a chronological principle and presents precious items from the epoch of Peter the Great to the time of the last Emperor Nicholas II.
      The purpose of the project was to show the highlights of the Kremlin collection, especially the fashionable secular dresses in European and Russian styles, which were intended to be used during coronation ceremonies.


    • 11 March to 27 December 2014. Dress Codes: Revealing the Jewish Wardrobe Jerusalem (IL), The Israel Museum Jerusalem POB 71117 Jerusalem 9171002, Israel -
      From India to Tunis, New York to Baghdad: dresses, suits, wedding outfits, undergarments, and children’s clothing. A spectacular range of 19th century Jewish garments from around the world, offering a multi-cultural view of dress, its significance, and its influences on the styles of today.

    USA, Canada, Southamerica, Mexico:  

    • 7 May to 1 September 2014. Fashion the Intangible: The conceptual clothing of Ying Gao, Textile Museum of Canada, 55 Centre Ave., (CDN) Toronto, Ontario M5G 2H5 -
    • 6 April to 27 July 2014. Quilts and Color The Pilgrim/Roy Collection, Boston Museum of Fine Arts. The exhibition
      features 60 distinctive quilts from the renowned collection and is the first to explore how, over five decades, trained artists Paul Pilgrim and Gerald Roy searched out and collected quilts with bold, eye-popping designs that echoed the work of mid-20th century Abstract Expressionist and Op Artists.
    • 1 March to 10 August 2014. Allure of Flowers: Botanical Motifs in Craft, Design, & Fashion Charlotte (USA) - Mint Museum RANDOLPH 2730 Randolph Road Charlotte, NC 28207 USA
      Drawn entirely from the permanent collection of The Mint Museum, the exhibition is organized by flower type, transforming the galleries into a virtual garden and allowing visitors to see how decorative treatments of the same flowers have evolved over time. During the first half of the nineteenth-century, such textiles as bed covers and shawls displayed vibrant inventive patterns, adding color and enlivening the domestic interior. In the Art Nouveau period (1890-1910) the floral motif blossomed, the sinuous lines of flowers becoming the dominant theme in decorative arts.
    • 2 May to 20 July 2014. American Tapestry Biennial 10, Visions Art Museum, 2825 Dewey Rd., Suite 100, (USA) San Diego, CA 92106 -
    • until 31 August 2014.Shifting Paradigms: Fashion and Technology, Kent State University Museum, Rockwell Hall, P.O. Box 5190, (USA) Kent, OH 44242-0001
    • until 3 August 2014 Design Motifs in Byzantine Art , Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York . Many of the motifs - among them birds, beasts, and humans; personifications of the seasons; members of the retinue of the wine god Dionysos; and vine scrolls — originated in classical and pharaonic art, with Christian crosses added in the Byzantine era. Often called Coptic textiles and once thought to have been exclusively Egyptian, these textiles are now recognized as exemplars of motifs popular throughout the Byzantine world.
    • until 31 August 2014 Shifting Paradigms: Fashion and Technology Kent State University Museum, Kent. The exhibition addresses pioneering applications of technology that will effect the future of personal expression, image and clothing, and illustrates how designers are creatively addressing technology in a wide variety of forms.

    M E E T I N G S (see also section meetings )


    • 1 to 20 July 2014 Perspectives: 30 Jahre internationale Textilkunst Graz, textile art, Bildungszentrum Raiffeisenhof, Krottendorferstraße 81, A-8052 Graz -
    • 7 to 9 July 2014 International Symposium: "Enlightened Princesses Caroline, Augusta, Charlotte & the shaping of the modern world" East Molesey, Surrey (UK)
      The programme will include two full days of lectures, themed panels, and special tours and events, followed by a day devoted to tours of two sites important in the lives of these royal women, Kew Palace and its gardens, and Kensington Palace.
      Hampton Court Palace, East Molesey, Surrey KT8 9AU, UK
      The Yale Center for British Art (YCBA), Historic Royal Palaces (HRP), Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art, London. Further information:
    • 18 to 20 July 2014 16th World Lace Congress, Adelaide 2014, Organisation Internationale de la Dentelle au Fuseau et à l’Aiguille (OIDFA), c/o Louise Senécal, 129, rue Perron, C.P. 1081, (CDN) Quebec J3N 1H5; University of Adelaide, North Terrace, Adelaide, South Australia, deadline of registration 31 March 2014
    • 7 to 13 September 2014 ICOME Costume annual meeting: Greece, theme: Dress and Politics, organizers: Peloponnesian Folklore Foundation and Hellenic Costume Society, Call for paper's deadline: March 31, 2014, Open for registration: May 1- June 30, 2014.
      Website (operating from mid December),
      Dr Elia Petridou, email:
    • 10 to 14 September 2014 14th Biennial Symposium: New Directions: Examing the Past, Creating the Future, Textile Society of America, P.O. Box 193, (USA) Middletown, DE 19709; - - for inquiries:
      Programm: University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) Textile Society of America further informationen
    • 13 September 2014 to 4 January 2015 TSA’s 14th Biennial Symposium, New Directions: Examining the Past, Creating the Future The application process is open to those whose practice draws on textile materials, techniques, or knowledge, widely defined.  Applicants must be TSA members, as is true for all symposium presenters, but anyone is welcome to join TSA at the time of application.  Submission Deadline: January 1, 2014 - For further information and submission forms, visit
    • 11 to 12 September 2014 In conjunction with the 14th Biennial TSA Symposium:  New Directions: Examining the Past, Creating the Future, University of California, Los Angeles
      - Two full days of vending at our UCLA conference facility
      - Exposure to over 400 textiles enthusiasts, collectors, scholars, museum professionals, and artists from around the world
      Each symposium, TSA invites vendors to sell their wearable art, ethnic textiles, yarn, fabric, books, and other items. Being a vendor at the symposium is a unique opportunity to market and sell your products to individuals who know textiles and appreciate their merits.
      For further details and application forms, visit
      Or contact
    • 15 to 20 September 2014 FIAMP.2014 International Festival of Audiovisual and Multimedia about Patrimony, Moscow, Russia - International Committee of ICOM for audio-visual, images and sound new technologies - The people wishing to attend the professional days in Moscow will have to request the registration form directly on the AVICOM Web site and on that of the ICOM Russia
    • 17 to 20 September 2014 Textile Räume - Seide im höfischen Interieur des 18. Jahrhunderts, Tagung in Potsdam - Info:
      Wir bitten um Themenvorschläge mit Titel und kurzer Beschreibung
      bis 30. Januar 2014 an
      Veranstalter: VDR (Verband der Restauratoren) und Stiftung Preußische Schlösser und Gärten Berlin-Brandenburg Programm: -
      Weitere Informationen beim VDR hier:
    • 19 September 2014 Symposium "Fashion, Function and Ornament - Accessorising the long eighteenth century" York (UK) Call for paper deadline: 28 July 2014
      Proposals are invited for symposium contributions not exceeding 20 minutes in length. Please send outlines of c. 200 words to: by Monday 28 July 2014. Please direct any queries about the symposium to the same email address.
      York Hilton Hotel and Fairfax House, York Further information see:
      Fairfax House, Castlegate, York YO1 9RN - UK - Tel 01904 655543
    • 20 to 28 September 2014 - Second International Festival of extraordinary textiles, Musée Bargoin, Département tapis, 45, rue Ballainvilliers, F-63000 Clermond-Ferrand -
    • 31 October to 4 November 2014 International Shibori Symposium, China National Silk Museum, 73-1 Yuhuangshan Road, CN-310002 Hangzhou -
    • 19 to 21 November 2014 CfP: Global Fashion Conference 2014 Ghent (BE) the University College Ghent and the Global Fashion Conference committee will host the 2014 Global Fashion Conference on Rethinking & Reworking: Challenges and solutions for the conjunction of creation and technology in Ghent, Belgium.
      With more than 200 participants, the conference will be the leading international discussion forum for designers, researchers, academics, practitioners and business representatives on the topic of fashion as being more than creativity and technological innovation alone. During this two day conference high emphasis is placed on state-of-the-art knowledge, eye-opening discussions, networking opportunities and creative space. Call for Abstracts and Proposals: We are now calling for paper abstracts, presentations, testimonials, workshops and demos on the themes of the conference. Deadline. 31 March 2014. Info
    • 20 to 23 November 2014 Costume Colloquium IV: Colors in Fashion, Promo Florence Events, Soc. Fly Events Srl, Via del Giglio 10, I-50123 Firenze -
    • Textile Society of America Proceedings from the 2012 TSA Biennial Symposium, Textiles and Politics held in Washington, D.C., are now available through the University of Nebraska – Lincoln'sDigital Commons.  This is the free and open access archive of the UN-L Libraries.
      The submitted manuscripts from the 13th Biennial Symposium are searchable through the UN-L Digital site as well as through Google or Google Scholar. It may be useful to add the keywords TSA, Textile Society of America and/ or proceedings to your search terms.
      Providing open access to our Proceedings furthers TSA's mandate to exchange and disseminate information about textiles worldwide. For further information, visit 
    • 11 to 13 May 2015 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE: Producing the history of fashion in the West - Paris (F)
      Proposals (a title, a summary of about 2000 characters, and a bibliography giving the author's main publications) are to reach the following address before 15 October 2014:
      This conference organised by the "Appearances, bodies, and societies" Research Interest Group is open to researchers working on the history of fashion and appearances in Europe or elsewhere, from the end of the Middle Ages up to the present day. It will provide a multidisciplinary analysis of museum and university discourses, concepts, experiments and experiences, and of their intellectual origins and the institutional frameworks within which they are produced across diverse local and national contexts. The aim is to better understand the various ways of tackling the subject so as to highlight new areas of research convergence, thereby giving new impetus to international cooperation.
    • 16 to 17 May 2015 17th ETN Conference will take place at the Rijksmuseum Volkenkunde in Leiden, the Netherlands.Host is the STIDOC Foundation, organizer of the Textiel Festival in Leiden, in the person of Hanny Spierenburg, ETN -  You will find the provisional schedule plus photo series on the town of Leiden and Dutch Textile Design together with some appetisers to the theme on the ETN website:

    B O O K R E V I E W S: (see also section book reviews )

    books and articles:
    since January 2014

    • Stickstiche - Embroidery Stitches Point de broderiePunti di ricamo , Anne Wanner-JeanRichard, St. Gallen 2014, ISBN 978-3-033-04016-8, 100 pages, 108 colored photos of historic embroideries, 126 diagrams and samples of Stitches. Available at Textilmuseum St.Gallen, CHF 32.00:
    • Der Papageienkoffer, Arte Popular aus Lateinamerika, Sammlung Valentin Jaquet, Museum der Kulturen, Basel (Hg), Auszüge aus den Tagebüchern von Valentin Jaquet. - S. 82-97: Textilien aus der Sammlung Valentin Jaquet, wissenschaftliche Beschreibung ausgewählter Stücke von Annemarie Seiler-Baldinger, Basel 2014, ISBN 978-3-5924090-1-5, 100 pages, many colored illustrations, CHF 29.00
    • Kettenstich und andere Stickereien, eine Sammlung von Stickereibeispielen, die Fritz Iklé in den Jahren 1931 - 1933 für Adolf Jenny-Trümpy zusammenstellte, bearbeitet von Anne Wanner-JeanRichard, Edition Comptoir-Blätter Nr. 7, 2013, in deutsch, 48 Seiten, 96 meist farbige Abbildungen. Verkaufspreis: CHF 20.00,
      Bezugadresse: Fabrikladen „Baumwollblüte“, Fabrikstrasse 5, CH-8755 Ennenda, Tel:+41 (0)55 640 26 71
      und: Textilmuseum St.Gallen -
    • Kirschblüte und Edelweiss der Import des Exotischen- Hg. Michaela Reichel, Hans Bjarne Thomsen, mit 8 Textbeiträgen, Textilmuseum St.Gallen, 2014, 184 pages, 129 illustrations mostly in colour, 16 x 24 cm, ISBN 978-3-03919-336-3, CHF 45.00, E 41.00
      Als einige St. Galler Kaufleute 1859 eine erste Erkundungsreise nach Ostasien initiierten, wirkten die gestickten Edelweisse auf den hiesigen Stoffen noch steif und leblos. Aus den Handelskontakten entwickelte sich schon bald ein reger Kulturaustausch. Der Katalog zur Ausstellung im Textilmuseum St. Gallen thematisiert in acht Beiträgen die Geschäfte und die westlichen Sehnsüchte nach exotischer Glückseligkeit. Er hebt den Schatz der ostasiatischen Sammlung des Textilmuseums und der ehemaligen Seidenwebschule Zürich ans Tageslicht und zeigt, wie sich der Kulturaustausch mit Japan und China im Design niederschlug. Mit vielen Abbildungen von Druckschablonen, Musterbücher, Dessins, Stickereien und Geweben.
    • Einhängen & verschlingen - Maschenbildung mit vorangeführtem Fadenende, von Monika Kuenti, in deutscher Sprache, Mit einem Vorwort von Noémi Speiser, Bern 2014, 208 Seiten, 1140gr., 268x238cm, CHF 52.90
      ISBN3-258-60079-1 - EAN:9783258600796 - Telefon: 0041 31 309 09 09 - Telefax: 0041 31 309 09 10
      E-Mail for orders: -
      Das Maschenbilden mit vorangeführtem Fadenende ist wenig bekannt. Monika Künti gibt Antworten auf Fragen nach Verbreitung und Einsatzmöglichkeiten, der Beschaffenheit und Einordnung in eine Systematik. Außerdem werden die Techniken ausführlich in Wort und Bild vorgestellt. Die Galerie am Ende des Buches rundet das Bild der Möglichkeiten der vorgestellten Maschen ab.
    • Information by: Preetorius Stiftung - Preetorius Foundation, c/o Dr. Michael Buddeberg, Prinzenweg 34, D-82319 Starnberg, Tel: + 49 (0) 8151 16521, Fax: +49 (0) 8151 444070, - - Dear friends of Asian Art and Culture,
      In February we published on our website the following reviews of new books and/or catalogues:"Collecting Textiles",
      Im Februar erschienen auf der Website der Stiftung die folgenden Besprechungen neuer Bücher und/oder Kataloge zu den von der Preetorius Stiftung betreuten Themenbereichen "Collecting Textiles",:
      die Publikation der Vorträge eines Symposiums zu Ehren des im Jahre 2002 verstorbenen Cavaliere Antonio Ratti ist ein buntes Kaleidoskop zu den Themen Sammeln und Bewahren von Textilien, mit Portraits bekannter und weniger bekannter Sammler und Sammlerinnen, mit Berichten über die Geburt, das Wachsen und die Ziele von Museen bis zu den Problemen der musealen Präsentation dieses empfindlichen Kulturgutes. Der reich illustrierte Band ist jedem Sammler und Liebhaber alter und antiker Textilien wegen der Fülle an Informationen, vor allem aber wegen der Anregung zum Besuch weniger bekannter Museen zu empfehlen.

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