ANNE WANNER'S Textiles in History / symposiums

  April 2011.

Second announcement

Ethnographic Museum in Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia, September 25th - 30th 2011.

Dear colleagues!

We are now at the final stage of preparing for the Conference of ICOM Costume Committee in Belgrade.
We are looking forward to your registration as well as submissions of your papers and poster
presentations. Please find attached all the necessary information on: registration; registration fees and
how to pay; submitting papers; information on sending papers for publishing in the Proceedings;
information on accommodation; information on program for accompanying persons, and information on
the Post-Conference tour through Serbia.

If there are any ambiguities please don’t hesitate to contact us!
For all information on the Conference, please visit the webpages: and

Looking forward to meeting you in Belgrade!

Cordial greetings,
M.A. Mirjana Menkovic, coordinator
Atina Atanackovic, ethnologist
Ethnographic Museum in Belgrade, Studentski Trg 13, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Tel/fax: 00 381 11 3281-206
Mobile phone: 00 381 62 8066-718
  Registration fees for the Conference:

For members of ICOM Costume Committee: 280€

For other interested participants who are not members of Costume Committee: 300€

For accompanying persons: 170€

For participants from the region (Croatia, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro, FYR
Macedonia): 130€

How to pay

Payment in Euros or US dollars should be made to the account:

Ethnographic Museum (National Bank of Serbia): iban RS35908500100000042582

Correspondents for paying in other countries:

Deutsche Bank

For payment in Euros: DEUTDEFF

For payment in US dollars: BKTRUS33XXX

The amount in dinar (RSD) value, according to middle value stated by National Bank of Serbia at the day of payment, should be paid to the account:

Etnografski muzej 84052166825

Final deadline for application and payment
June 30th

The registration fees may also be paid in on arrival in Belgrade.
Please contact us by deadline for this option

Ethnographic Museum in Belgrade, Serbia, September 25th -30th 2011.

Registration Form: fill out on-line and e-mail it, or print out and fax/mail it!

The Form should be sent to:
Or by post to: Atina Atanackovic, Ethnographic Museum in Belgrade, Studentski trg 13, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia.
Or to fax number: 00381 11 3281-206

We will send a confirmation of receipt for the registration and payment as quickly as we can.

General information

First and last name



Telephone, ?-mail

ICOM membership number

First and last name of accompanying person

Special remarks
(Vegetarian diet etc.)


home content Last revised April 12, 2011