Book reviews -
books since
January 2003:
- Design and the Decorative
Arts, Britain 1500 -
1900, by Michael Snodin and John Styles, London
- Painted with Henna, Textiles
from the Anti-Atlas in Morocco, by Annette &
Marcel Korolnik-Andersch, and others
- La Collezione Gandini, Merletti,
ricami e galloni dal XV al XIX secolo, a cura di Thessy Schoenholzer
Nichols e Iolanda Silvestri, Modena 2002
- Die Kasel des Pfarrers Butz, in:
Pfarrkirche St.Peter und Paul , 1353-2003, by
Karen Stolleis, Eltville 2002
- Fashion, a
history of costume, the collection of the Kyoto
Costume Institute, authors: Akiko Fukai and others,
- For Our Royal Person, Master
of the Robes Bills of King-Stadholder William
III, by Patricia Waldle, 2002
- Bestandskataloge der
weltlichen Ortsstiftungen der Stadt Freiburg
i.Br. , Die Textilien,
volume V, by Sebastian Bock, Lothar A. Böhler,
Hrsg., Freiburg i.Br, 2001
- Modelejon - Manligt Mode,
1500 -
1600 - 1700, by Lena Rangström, Lions of Fashion
- Male Fashion of 16th, 17th, 18th century
- Exhibition catalogue,
Vittorio Zecchin 1878-1947, pittura,
vetro, arti decorative, published by Marsilio,
2002, text in Italian, copiously illustrated in
- Arco di Filo. Gli animali
nel merletto (Noah's Ark in
thread. Animals in Lace), Centro Studi e Ricerche
Arnaldo Caprai, Foligno, 2002, text in Italian
- Bordado de Tibaldinho, Lisboa 1998, text in
portuguese language, translations in french and
books and
articles since February 2003:
- Bobbin Lace from Steckborn, history by Anne Wanner,
translations by Mireille Finger, Hetty Leuthold,
Angela Baier, techniques and sample patterns by
the swiss bobbin lacemakers VSS/FDS group under
the direction of Vrena Mathis.
Schiers Switzerland 2003
- "all those noblewomen
and goldsmiths' daughters. Nineteenth-century
cross-stitch patterns after contemporary
paintings", by Ruth Krul, in: Leids
Kunsthistorisch Jaarboek, 2003, pp. 251-273, text
in Dutch
- Bordados dos Acores, textos Alexandra Andrade, Porto. 8 /
2001, text in portuguese language
- Lencos de Namorados, escritas de amor, by
alianca Artesanal - Cooperativa de interesse
publico, Mario Vilhena da Cunha, 2002, text in
portuguese language
Bordado Antigo dos
Acores, Catalogo, Edicao
da Secretaria Regional da Economia Centro
Regional de Apoio ao Artesanato, Deposito Legal
162284/01, text in portuguese language
and articles since June 2003:
- Historische Textilien, Beiträge
zu ihrer Erhaltung und Erforschung, edited by
Sabine Martius and Sibylle Russ, Germanisches
Nationalmuseum Nürnberg 2002, most texts in
- Periodical: Jacquard - N.
53/2003. A cura della Fondazione Arte delle Seta
Lisio, text in Italian.
Säkularisation im deutschen Südwesten 1803,
Begleitbuch zur Ausstellung Band I:
Ausstellungskatalog, text in german, edited by:
Volker Himmelein, Ostfildern 2003
- Drei Goldkaseln des 18.
Jahrhunderts aus westfälischen Sammlungen, by
Richard Moroz, text in german, in: "Waffen-
und Kostümkunde", Heft 2, 44. Bd. 2002,
- blütenweiss bis
rabenschwarz, St.Galler Frauen - 200 Portraits, edited
by Marina Widmer, Heidi Witzig, Renate
Bräuniger. Text in german.
books and
articles since October 2003
- Vom Entwurf zum Export:
Produktion und Vermarktung von St.Galler
Stickereien 1850 - 1914, by Anne
Wanner, Marcel Mayer, in: St.Galler Geschichte
2003, Bd. 6, p. 143, St.Gallen 2003
- Dernières publications de
Christine Aribaud
- Eleganze in Palazzo
- 20th centuries), by Roberta
Orsini Landini, Maria Pia Pettinau Vescia, Italy
- Haute Couture in Basel, Fred Spillmann (1915-1986),
by Margret Ribbert, Basel, September 2003
- Bordados do Império Otomano
à India, séc. XVIII - XIX,
Colecção Calouste Gulbenkian, by Maria Fernanda
Passos Leite, Lisboa 2003. Text in portuguese
language, english version
- Inchiostro, Seta e Oro, Ricami e
cartoni da ricamo dal monastero di Sant'Orsola,
text by Raffaella Sgubin, Gorizia, Italia, Musei
Provinciali, 2002
- Wenig bekannt, aber
hochgeschätzt, by Karin Thönnissen, in: die
Heimat, Krefelder Jahrbuch, p. 75 - 81, No 71,
Nov. 2000,
- Bildteppiche, by Anne Wanner, in:
catalogue of the Oskar Reinhart collection, Basel
2003, p. 567 - 570
books and
articles in November and December 2003
- Toile de Jouy, Printed
Textiles in the Classic French Style, by Mélanie
Riffel, Sophie Rouart, Marc Walter, London 2003